96 - Little Truths - Part 2

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Honestly I was not looking forward to the rest of the evening. I'd just barely stepped out of the tent after dealing with Darius when the village elder had approached me.

After she said something along the lines of a god wanting me to play the role of 'villain' I replied something like 'I know', shrugged it off and headed towards dinner. I mean, I've been aware of this since I was reincarnated, and I am also aware that to ignorant modern girls and sheltered little girls, I am a villain.

Honestly I was just going to get my food until I overheard some of Felix's former squad mates commenting on Felix trying to pour hard alcohol to someone...

I fell hook line and sinker. This was the first time I had a chance to get alcohol since that party eight years ago, so of course I placed a cup nearby for him to pour... and guess what... it was sake! The mild ricy and almost floral fragrance was unmistakable, though more nutty than I am used to. It wasn't a very clear sake, so the grains had likely not been polished much, if any. I'd guess it was a sort of wild rice judging by the scent... and the taste...

As expected I'm overwhelmed by a dry and nutty taste that almost immediately seems to rush to my head. I'm overwhelmed by a nostalgic joy, and close my eyes to savor the taste and feeling of the drink. It's delicious. Far from as good as the sake I was used to, but the nostalgia makes it the best drink I've had in this life. I'm elated.

When I open my eyes again I note the looks of worry, but I don't really care. Not even the skeptical looks some have been sending me since I arrived can get me off this pedestal of happiness.

Still, I've technically drunk now... so I have an excuse for acting impolite. In a magnanimous moment that the knights should appreciate, I start a question session. What better way to spend the night and build companionship!

Of course the first question is stupid. No, beyond stupid. Still, this much was expected. Though, the next one was surprising:

"Were you a lion in your past life?"

This is a good one.

"No. The being the elder drew, has the shape of our family's ancestors. We were human though."

I take a bite of the tough and chewy snake meat. A bland and slightly earth taste, but with a fishy hint. The expressions of the knights milden and fill with curiosity instead.

"You worked in the military?" Someone cleverly drew the connection between my past life and the siege eight years ago.

"Yes. I was a... what would be comparable to a captain here. Took care of a company of a hundred men."

The small realization, that there are a hundred of these guys... these young passion filled brats were supposed to compare with the beauty of my former men... it... would be absurd to me as it was right now. They could not compare... and they could never replace what had been lost...

"How old were you?"

"20 years."

"Did you have a fiancé or a spouse?!" Someone yells up from the back rows and pulls me back to reality.

"I did," I call back and munch down on another piece of gamey snake meat.

"Was she cute?!" Another one chimes in. It is in this moment that I am vividly reminded of the changes in our worlds.

"He was not cute. My fiancé was quite a hothead too... and before you get any weird ideas, I was a woman. Military service, and everything else, was done in equal parts by men and women. Quite unlike here," I add a little half huff at the end for good measure and happily take another sip of the sake.

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