97 - Little Truths - Part 3

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Mike's Point Of View

The Lady is definitely drunk, but she is also in an unexpectedly good mood. Her expressions were more vivid, and for once her body language started to open up.

By the time the questions about the poems appeared, her cheeks had a reddish tint and her eyes drifted to the side. She even uncomfortably crossed her legs and gave a little wave with her hand while saying:

"Enough of that. Next question."

There were some good options... but at this time Peony returned from his hunt.

"Oh! Peony!"

The Lady called out to him, and honestly I doubted Peony cared much.

"We are doing questions. I'll answer the questions you guys have, be they foolish or not," she spoke with hints of happiness in her voice. She was enjoying the conversations, and probably tried to use Peony to get away from the topic of romance... she shouldn't have...

"Then, why do you cry and scream at night? It's loud and annoying. We won't be able to sneak into enemy territory," Peony 'questioned'... my Lady, just ignore that one!

She didn't... of course... but he had erased any trace of happiness from her face, and the comfortable atmosphere as well. The Lady's eyes turned cold... I swear she looked as though she would rip him apart.

"My company was massacred. The memories of that day appear as nightmares."

I wasn't entirely surprised. Since I was a squire under a veteran, I knew that war can set deep scars like that... but as expected, Peony doesn't know these things since he grew up in the mountains. Still... no matter how you look at it, that was too rude.

"Because it was your bad leadership that made them die?" Peony continues down the same road... and our Lady flinches. It's visible how her jaws seem to tighten. She puts down the things she had in hand... I don't believe there is a path back from here. Going back to light hearted questions after this is impossible.

"They died in an attempt to save our lord. It was a beautiful death," the Lady responds... but her hands are shaking. I glance back to Peony, and see several others do the same. People near him even seem to tell him to stop.

"But they're still dead, and you didn't deny it so you think it's your fault. Since you feel like that, it would be better if we joined up with the Tepet army normally."

I can't tell if Peony's words are a twisted form of advice, however the Lady is livid... I don't even have the energy left to hit Peony for his words. Vitis looks exhausted. Asher looks as though he's contemplating how to stop this. Rudder is glaring tiredly at Peony...

"Peony, that's enough," Asher tries to end their conversation before it can escalate any further.

"Peony, if Vitis died, would you mourn his passing?"

The Lady plainly ignored Asher's attempt to stop the conversation and instead turned it onto Peony.

"You didn't answer," Peony argues back at her, but answers her question efficiently right after...

"I would not. It doesn't do any good. It just makes you vulnerable. Death is a natural part of life."

An... awkward silence spreads at his words. The Lady is no longer livid either. She merely looks annoyed.

"This world has a wonderful phrase for your concerns, Peony. It's called: 'You kissed the ring.' All in all it sums up to the following: swallow your worries and do what you're told, for you are the one who swore your loyalty."

She stands up, her emotions somewhere between anger and sorrow.

"You will no longer go hunting. Peony."

Peony's eyes narrow. I'm pretty sure he can feel the enmity between them.

"I'm the best hunter. To keep me from going would reduce our bounty significantly," he argues back calmly and collected. The lady just gazed at him coldly.

"You won't hunt until you make friends with everyone in the company. The day they agree that you've improved, I'll let you hunt," She sneers this at him as the last thing before she leaves. Asher leaves with her in a half run to keep up with her.

I glance back to Peony. There is no way he'll actually make friends with us. That one would probably rather give up hunting than make friends with us, that's the kind of asshole he is. As such, the confused look he's left with suits him perfectly.

His question may have been something important, but it doesn't do any of us good to know. I suppose that just because you're clever, it doesn't make communicating with others easy.

I want to get up as well, but my legs are pretty much lard after all the training.

...I still wanted to ask if there was anyone she liked romantically too.


Rudder was the one that helped both Darius and I back to the tent that night. Of course, when Peony returned I curled into my blanket. If only Asher had returned instead of Peony... Asher didn't return that night, and judging by the muffled screams and the hints of Asher's calm voice... the Lady had a worse night than usual.

I consider Peony's words from earlier. Efficient... natural... I know you don't have time to mourn on the battlefield... but were his words really all right? Vitis had done so much over the years to become his friend... even if it's inefficient... to say that he wouldn't mourn his death is... it is just too cold. How do you become so cold?

If Rudder got killed I... probably wouldn't be the same anymore. I'd have to tell his girl about it too... just the thought makes my stomach sink and my eyes burn... are you really friends if you don't mourn the loss? I... don't have a girl waiting for me like Rudder, so I'll make sure that he, at the very least, returns home.

I don't know if Vitis has a fiancé, but I know he has six younger siblings waiting for him excitedly. I don't want to imagine their crying faces the moment they find out their playful and kind brother won't be coming home...

I make a quiet prayer that those that have people waiting for them will return alive. Some must die, I know that, so let it be those like Peony and I that don't have lovers or siblings waiting for us. That way, the only ones who cry for us is our brothers in arms and the Lady.

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