65 - Secret Malice

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I move to the side of the room together with the young lady from Crinia, the southern country.

Thankfully the servants of the school fill a reservoir that allows us to have a so called 'tap' from which we can get running water... either way, I fill up a cup of my own and let her draw her own. I don't intend on being poisoned...

On the topic of poison, I've found out over the years that there is an unspoken etiquette of getting your own drinks. It doesn't count for kids, and is only somewhat strictly applied in the capital... but it is an interesting fact either way. I remember a city in my former life where it was standard to bring your own cup.

I'll assume that the reason for both changes of etiquette is the same...

Another thing is that you're given a tea set of your own at the age of 14. The outside is normal porcelain, but the inside is a shiny and shimmery silver... it's considered traditional Ristazian tableware. We have dinner sets in the same style as well. This is another reason why the northern territories fight as much as they do... there is a lot of money in it.

For foreigners, they usually end up going 'what a peculiar style' or 'they like their tableware quite heavy'. I wonder how many of them realize that this 'style' was born from the many poisonings.

"Lady Lily," the young Lady gives a small curtsy and smiles at me. Her pale brown hair trickles elegantly over her shoulders as she peer at me with friendly brown eyes.

"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Mary Pelenet, daughter of Earl Pelenet of Crinia. I hear you already met my sister, Ann Pelenet the other day. We are both terribly sorry to know of how rude some people have been to your Ladyship over the last few days."

So the girl helping me out against Bridgette was Ann?

"I am thankful for your concern, Lady Pelenet. Your sister has been very kind in assisting me."

Now, I suppose she didn't just get me off the dance floor to introduce herself...

"Uhm... Lady Lily, do you not get along well with the future head knight?" She phrased her question with care, as if she was asking an indirect question.

"There is nothing for you to worry about. House Celeste and House Tepet has never gotten along well." I refrain from lying, but also from giving out information. They don't need to know about Lionel's odd behavior.

She lets her lips turn into a slight smile. "I was quite surprised that the crown prince would let his head knight dance with his fiancé before he himself did..." she drifted off and looked at me expectingly, as if she wanted me to fill in the blanks... I've little doubt that she is digging for information, but I don't mind telling her this.

"You have not heard?" I start out with a raised eyebrow.

"Eight years ago I was cut and stabbed 53 times... I can hardly make a queen looking like that," I tell her calmly. We never kept this a secret. Telling people makes it easier to get out of the engagement.

"I am merely a backup plan in case nothing better works out. Of course, I certainly hope his highness finds a good wife."

Quite clean in my opinion. I'm expressing no hard feelings, I seem like I am completely settled with the current situation and sent their grudg-

She's slack jawed and pallid...

Isn't her reaction a bit vivid for this? If it's the scars, then rumors should already be swirling about in the female dorm.

"B-backup?" She blurts out.

"I... I heard you were not in love with the Crown Prince, but saying it like this, it is as though you hope someone else will take your place..."

I did say I didn't love Alstair in class the other day, but perhaps she was thinking I still wanted the throne? Or that it was just for show?

"I've no interest in the throne, no. I believe it would be better if someone else ended up with his highness."

She pressed her lips together nervously and appeared as if in deep thought.

"Of course if the Crown Prince wishes not for another wife, then you will take the place at his side as queen, right?"


"I would..." I cannot not agree to that.

She goes quiet for a moment.

"I see, very well. Thank you very much for clarifying this, Lady Lily. I hope we may converse again soon."

She cut our conversation short and then left. She probably went to check who would take my place so they could gain influence with that woman instead.

Perhaps I am not being targeted because I am trying to get out of the engagement with Alstair?

Magdalin appeared in front of me with a slightly angered and worried look.

"Are you okay, Lily-sama?"

She took my hand in hers and peered up at me with those big silvery eyes.

"Yes, she merely wanted to talk," I replied with a slight smile. A bit against my expectations she pursed her lips for a moment.

"Not her. I trust Lily-sama to deal with such small fry. I meant about Lionel-sama."

Unexpected. Did she have a grudge against him? Or is it because of the scene we watched with the heroine?

"We were merely competing," I spoke softly to soothe her grudge against him.

She remained stiff for a moment and then squeezed my hand for a moment.

"...I see..." she finally gave me a half smile... but Magdalin would be on guard against Lionel after that. Her mood didn't improve all that much by dinner either, and I noticed for the first time that she was keeping something secret... I had an idea what it was as well...


I have certain reservations when it comes to requesting things or asking questions of Lumere... because it comes with a price. Usually it is nothing big, but while I am at the academy I do not have the same freedom to fulfill his requests as usual. I can't go on a journey, the lake isn't anywhere nearby, and I don't have tools or privacy to craft anything...

Still... I needed to know about that malice for certain. And as such I prepared for both the answer... as well as whatever Lumere would ask in return...

The demand was a walk around the school... the answer was the view of Lionel's sharp gaze.

My number 1 enemy, the sadist.

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