89 - Whispers - Part 1

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Felix's Point Of View

I have made a mistake.

I should never have agreed to lead us through Plymfell... once I did my fate was sealed.

I was placed in the vanguard squad with some of the people that stand out the most: Asher, the only knight with concrete war experience. Vitis, the most sociable guy around. Peony, the least sociable guy around. These three always manage to get themselves noticed one way or another, and to round everything off Augustus... or rather, Lily Celeste, is in the group too. In other words, I've been placed in the limelight.

Other than standing out and being asked about Lily, there is our brutal commander herself...

Every day she wakes up the ten of us before dawn and forces us to train until everyone else are awake and ready for breakfast... as much as I am supposed to be grateful for her individualized training regiments for us... I just can't... she's a monster...

For Peony and Vitis it's absurd teamwork exercises like passing basic obstacles... without touching it with your hands... Try crossing a beam that's up higher than you without using your hands! Darius, Arven and Spence have to do the same exercises by the way... I feel it a bit unfair that they have more people to get it done... but they have it easy...

Mike and Rudder have it easy too... they're doing all around training...

The ones really in trouble is Asher and I as we get 'special attention'.

As such... Asher gets a net filled with rocks on each of his arms and one on his back. Then has to walk around...

...It makes sense that Asher would get special attention. He practically follows her around like a baby duck... but why me?!

Also... what is with her monstrous strength?!

I made another mistake... I ended up saying her expectations of 100 dashes, 300 push-ups, 300 squats, 600 sit-ups... sounded inhumane... so she doubled it.

Furthermore... she pulled it off next to me just to show me that it was perfectly humanly possible...

I can state now after TWO WEEKS of this pre-march daily torture that it IS NOT HUMANE!

Not even if she removes the fatigue with magic after!

Of course, in the beginning I couldn't complete the regiment, so she forced me to do as much as I could until every muscle in my body was screaming in pain and I couldn't get off the ground. If I slow down on purpose she just adds extra weight...

When I asked why all of my training was based on strength training she answered rather plainly:

"You're a very perceptive tracker, strength works in harmony with how perceptive you are when it comes to movement. With only speed you stumble, fall or run into things, and with just perception you're slow. It fits with the Celeste war style, and works since you don't sneak around like... Darius..."

She gave a polite smile at the end, but her lower eyelids move up a bit like a cat about to hiss.

I didn't press the matter further. I'm not putting my hand in the fire for no reason.

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