30 - Beneath The Ashes - Part 2

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Guard Captain Gerald Whitebourough's Point Of View

I've been the guard captain of Moonbright for about ten years now, guiding it through good and bad times, but it has always been peaceful in our fief, and even more so in this city. The only thing that hints at war, is the enormous castle, and the knights that guard it... but even they go to loosen up every weekend with drinks and sometimes women.

I saw war when I was younger. I had started out at the post of shield man in the army of the neighboring fief. We stood on the very front lines and endured for hours on end, and as we stood there, there was only ourselves to keep up the morale. I decided to become a pillar for those around me, and with time this wish, and the effort I put into it got me promoted.

One time we went out against a pack of magic beast wolves preying on a nearby village, and the Baron had gotten help from the young lord of the neighboring fief, Lord Celeste.

The young lord had apparently just gotten the news that his wife was in labour, so he ended up unfocused as a young lad seeing battle for the first time. I think I ended up pulling the wolves off of him three times before I had enough and told him to put his mind into it or he wouldn't make it back at all.

When we finally had the beasts defeated Lord Celeste walked up to me with eyes that could kill. I was not a knight, just a common foot soldier... nothing as fancy as titles or heritage... if he wanted rid of me he could have told the baron to get rid of me, he was a young marquess after all...

Instead he looked at me with those cold eyes and said:

"You, how much does he pay you? I need a good man for the city guard like you."

Unexpectedly it ended up being praise. I'd been dumbstruck for a moment before I managed to answer.

After that I found out that Lord Celeste was just very bad at expressing himself... and so... even though I was no knight I got to see Eric once he was born. The Lord personally called for me and showed off the small child with a frosty expression. He was clearly bragging. That boy was his pride.

I've watched Eric grow up from the sidelines when I visit the mansion once a month... as for Lady Lily...

Up till the birth of Lady Lily, her father was... excited... he would call people over for business in smaller intervals than usual and stare at you coldly like he was expecting you to say something. He really just wanted you to ask, but didn't feel it appropriate to brag about it himself.

...I think Lord Celeste was disappointed when Lily turned out to be a girl... he never invited anyone to see her...

Well, being a lady is hard in its own way, and Lily couldn't train or spar with him like Eric could. I have watched from the sidelines, and that is why I know that the 'boy' in front of me is Lady Lily pretending to be a boy. She may not realize it, but her meager facial tells are the same as her father's, but she has none of Eric's bashfulness or endless energy.

The boy in front of me is Lady Lily, daughter of Lord Celeste, and, my Lord... you have no need to be disappointed. She is a brilliant Lady and warrior, just like you.


"How many?" I know asking for a number will never gain me the right answer, but an estimate is enough.

"...A company..."

...about a hundred men.

We had about a fourth of that if we brought everyone still able to fight. There was no way... we had used up all our magic as well so they would have mage superiority.

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