92 - Distrust

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Mike's Point Of View

Once Celeste-sama heads off to set up her tent, Rudder and I do our part in delivering the snake to some rather eager looking villagers.

"The Lady was in a bad mood. Think she'll be out for food?"

Rudder questions as we head off as the first ones to set up the unit tent.

"Likely not... We can ask Asher when he joins in setting up the tent though," I suggest instead. The one that knows the Lady best is Asher.

"As usual Darius and Peony stresses her out, I wish they'd just clean up their act a bit. She even created special training for them," I mutter our bitterly. Rudder just gives my shoulder a clap.

"If they haven't already understood then it's not like our words will make a big difference," he says while trying to relieve some tension.

I drop my part of equipment when we reach the area a young village boy directed us to, and pack out the parts of the tent we can. Thankfully we have most of the things. In fact... Neither Darius or Peony are carrying any part of our unit tent... as the ones carrying the most I can't help but to feel a bit miffed. I mean, if they were injured or something then I would've carried it any day... but we all know that isn't why...

"Mike! Rudder!"

Vitis' voice sounds through the village, and we both peer up from our work.

"Yes, Sir!"

Vitis was placed as the second in command in the group. I actually thought the Lady would choose Asher, but Vitis is a better pick when he isn't busy dealing with Peony.

"You're setting up the tent?" He approaches with a milder expression than earlier with Asher next to him. Asher and Vitis get along pretty well despite being in different years, but they were also under the same knight for their apprenticeship so it makes sense. Further more, they're both blessed by earth faeries.

"Of course! We're in the Lady's squad, we can't afford to set a bad example or she would look like she wants us tortured like she does when Darius sneaks about." I add a light joke at the end to cheer up Vitis a bit, but instead he glances behind us... I understand the glance...

"He's right behind us, isn't he?" Rudder confirms while turning his head. I glance behind us as well... and as expected, Darius has snuck up on us and is now showing a difficult expression because of my joke... should I try to save it? Nah.

Spence's voice chimes happily from nearby.

"Found him!"

I can't help but to wonder if those two never get tired of trying to find Darius. I mean, seriously. The guy just appears and disappears when he want. I'm not fond of him. There's even rumors that he's an enemy spy that sends information to the enemy whenever he disappears... honestly it sounds more plausible than Arven & Spence's: 'He is just shy'.

Asher plainly ignores the awkward moment. Vitis watches Darius' reaction and Arven and Spence join us in setting up the tent. Darius doesn't bring up the joke but at least helps out... as for Peony... thankfully he's on hunting... and Felix should be with him...

Soon we fall back into the usual routine.

"How is the Lady? She looked quite angry," Rudder asks curiously.

The Lady was usually in a bad mood, but not to the point she flew into a rage like she'd done with the village elder. Poor Felix would've had to get between them. Between Felix and the Lady I know who is going to get the deepest injuries.

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