77 - Secrets of Villains - Part 1

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Everyone have things that they just aren't very good at, and for Claire that is observation. She reads people emotions quite well, but spotting movement in her surroundings or things blending in is a weak spot for her.

I do not make a good infiltrator and neither do I hide, but with Claire I just need to keep sufficient distance and preferable observe her from a different building. As cute as it is that she is chasing me around, I don't want to talk to her. With how desperately she's chasing me I expect something bad out of her mouth.

Then, one evening after I'd gone to bed she actually went directly to my room...

I'd just woken up from another nightmare as well... and when it's Claire I just can't help but to remember the lady that seduced Kenta... I nearly yelled at her to get away from Kenta when I woke up with a jolt. Thankfully I had just enough composure to hold it in...

She expressed her sweet and sincere worry, thinking I was acting weird because of the kidnapping. Really, even if it had been a problem then why would I talk to you about it?! Low on composure I ended the conversation with a proper explanation and said goodnight before I lost my patience... but... the next morning she was waiting outside my door...


"Uhm... Lily-sama, I am sorry for yesterday. If you are having problems with the heat, then would you like to borrow my handkerchief?"

....She's holding out a prettily embroidered handkerchief with a wolf on it... as expected, our beloved heroine is good at those things... though, I can't help but to consider that she likely devoted herself to the female arts to show 'Augustus' her favor...


She looks flustered for a moment and my plain denial.

"Ah! Uhm, this was a practice handkerchief..." her voice drifted off, but I can clearly hear the next part even though it isn't said: 'so it is not the one I made for Augustus'...

This maiden is probably still fawning over Augustus... As expected of the beloved heroine, her 'loyalty' isn't to be underestimated.

"I am fine, Claire-chan." Even though I say that she doesn't seem to budge though...

"Claire-chan?!" Magdalin's surprised voice chirps out.

Claire perks up and smiles brightly at Magdalin.

"Good morning, Magdalin-sama, I was just offering Lily-sama my handkerchief since she looks unwell," she responds in a sweet voice. Meanwhile Magdalin looks as though she just got overwhelmed with an unforeseen burden.

Unexpectedly Claire followed us all the way to class... but somehow I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed by the attention recently.

Do I really look that unwell?


I managed to slip away from her after class so that she could continue her little routine with the guys. A little studying, a little practice and very best is the little tea party she is currently having with Alstair. Gilbert and Soleil are there as well, but for once Lionel isn't together with them. He probably got temporarily replaced because he keeps sending glares at Claire during the meetings.

Alstair actually seems really fond of her. It's the first time I actually see him lower his guard a bit, but that might as well be because he doesn't know  that I'm watching from a hallway window. Still, at this pace it seems like the contract will be fulfilled properly.

Once Claire takes my place I'll be able to focus on my own things.

...but what were they?

Ah~ Gilbert noticed me. He's the most observant of the three after all. Lionel usually tends to glance up at me just once as well. As for Soleil... he's probably too busy enjoying himself.

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