Officially His Pt. 2

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     Alpha Jax stood on the makeshift stage,  waiting for the crowd to settle down.  Once everyone had gathered and the crowd grew silent, Alpha Jax  gestured for Mace and Sera to join him. Mace held Sera's hand as he helped her up the stairs. They stood next to Jax as he turned to the crowds. 
      "Today we gather to witness a remarkable occasion. Alpha Mace, having came to sign a treaty, has found his mate. She is none other than Serefina, a beloved member of this pack. Mates are a gift, one not every wolf is lucky enough to receive. May the Goddess bless these two."
    The crowds erupted in cheers, whistles and clapping filling the air. Mace turned to Serena, holding both her hands in his. "Sera, I haven't known you for very long. The minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you were mine. I never thought I'd get a mate, then I saw you. In the short time I've spent with you, after everything, I never want to spend another day without you. To be without you is to never again know happiness. Everything about you, every little detail, draws me closer to you. Would you make me the happiest wolf in the world by allowing me to mark you?"
      His speech was short, but his eyes were filled with truth and passion. His words echoed in her mind. He didn't care about her weaknesses, her mental problems, none of that mattered to him. His words caused tears to spring into her eyes as she eagerly nodded. The smile on his face drove out any fears she had.
     He smiled widely and pulled her close. He wrapped his arms around her lower back, murmuring words into her ear. "It's going to hurt, isn't it?" she asked wearily.
     "Not for long, I promise." he mumbled back. "Just a sting, then it'll stop." he reminded her. She took a deep, exhaled, then nodded.
     He directed her arms to his neck, hoping she could absorb some of his strength. Once her hands were clasped behind his neck. He gently tilted her head the side.
     He could see a faint scar, four small marks, where her neck meet her shoulder. He gently ran his thumb over the marks. He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on the juncture between her neck and shoulder.
     She tensed up and he froze, fearing she changed her mind. "Is everything okay?" he asked, looking into her eyes. "Ye-yeah, it's just that..." she stuttered, trying to find the right words.
     She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "The last time I was in this position, it was not by choice. It was painful, and it broke me. This time it feels like I'm being freed. Like I matter, and the fact that you want me, I'm afraid this is a dream. That I'll open my eyes and I'll be back in that place, and you'll be gone.". A tear slipped down her cheek.
     He cupped her face in his hands. "You do matter Sera. And this isn't a dream, this is real. I'm real, what's happening right now is real. I will remind you as often as is needed. I choose you, I will always choose you.".
     A tear fell down her cheek. She never thought she would hear those words. She'd dreamt of a man saying them, but never believed it would ever happen. Now here she was, and it wasn't a dream. She relaxed her body and smiled, closing her eyes.
     Mace placed a chaste kiss on her forehead, then kissed the spot between her neck and shoulder. The world around them disappeared. The crowds vanished, the noise silenced. In this moment, they were the only two that mattered.
     He felt his teeth grow, his wolf coming into his eyes. "I love you." he rasped, sinking his teeth into her. She jerked back in shock, a painted gasp escaping her lips. He held her tight, trying to ease her pain.
     They both felt the mate bond flare between them. Sparks erupted where they touched. He gently retracted his teeth, kissing the tender mark. He leaned back, smiling down at her. He gently wiped a tear away. "Are you alright?" he murmured.
     Opening her eyes, she looked into his eyes and nodded. His smile widened as he swept her into his arms. He spun her around, earning a chuckle. He faced the crowd and placed a kiss on her cheek, making her blush.
     The wolves clapped and cheered, some whistling. Sera blushed and hid her face in his neck. She heard him chuckle, a deep rumble going through his chest. "I can't believe this real." she admitted. She could see her wolf smiling, adoration for her mate shining in her eyes.
     Everyone began to disperse, gathering at the the tables filled with food. Mace set her on her feet, taking her hand and guiding her to the feast. He grabbed a plate and filled it with food, then lead her to a table.
     He got her settled then took the seat next to her. Suddenly an arm wrapped around her neck. "CONGRATS GIRL!" Marissa yelled in her ear. She flinched at the loud sound, but smiled at her friend. "Thanks Mair." she chuckled.
     Marissa took the seat on her other side. Mace's beta took the seat across from him, smiling at his alpha and Luna. His mate took the seat across from Sera. The rest of the seats were filled with wolves from both packs.
     "Sera, this my mate Kellie." Bash wrapped an arm around the girl. She smiled and have a small wave, "It's nice to meet you Luna." she gushed. Sera flushed at the title, making Kellie frown. "Are you okay?" she asked worried.
     "You didn't do anything wrong Kellie. Sera just isn't used to the title yet." Mace interrupted. Bash gave him a thankful smile. "Thanks man, I could feel her about to have a panic attack. How's Sera?" Bash asked.
     "She's alright. Her and Kellie are quite similar. I understand why you worry so much now." Mace admitted. Kellie had been abused by her previous pack. When Bash found her she never left his sight. Mace hadn't understood at the time, but now he did.
     The girls were all chatting happily while they had been talking. Mace smiled at the peaceful expression on Sera's face, while Bash was smiling at how well the two got along. The feast lasted for hours, everyone having a good time.
     The moon was at its apex when Mace decided it was time to leave. He talked to Alpha Jax while Sera said her goodbyes. Marissa was the first, then May, then Jax. Lucas was the last one. She stared up at him, trying not to cry.
     "You remember the day I found you?" he murmured. A tear slid down her cheek.

She was locked in her cell when one of her tormentors entered. "Yo Jack, alpha said clear the trash then get your shit. A wolf has been sniffing to close for his liking so hurry up.". Jack nodded and entered the small office. When he came back out he had a type of medical kit in hand. He entered each cell containing a prisoner. When he exited the cell, screams ensued. Finally he reached her cell. "Such a shame to waste such a beauty, but Alphas orders." he grumbled. She watched as he pulled out a vial and a syringe. She understood the screams when she smelled the content. He approached her, smiling maliciously with the syringe in hand. She wanted to struggle, but she was to weak from the recent beatings. He grabbed her hair and plunged the needle into her neck. She screamed as he injected the silver into her system. She watched as he left the cells and exited the holding unit. She wailed as the silver seam through her veins. Many of the other cries had stopped, they had died. She hadn't understood why she wasn't dead yet. Her vision turned foggy as her body began to shut down. Suddenly a blurry figure entered her cell. She whined thinking it was one the men. The person was speaking, but she couldn't understand. She was then lifted and carried out and away. The last thing she remembered was the sun blinding her for the first time in years before she passed out. When she woke up was confused as to where she was. It was then that Luna May had recognized her. The next day was spent trying to help her remember everything. They explained who she was and how they knew her. Then they explained that her parents were dead and that she needed to decide what to do. She was 14 when Lucas rescued her. Alpha and Luna had offered to take her in, but she needed time to process everything and think about her options. Lucas had checked on her asking if she needed anything. She hadn't said anything and yet he knew what she wanted. That was the first time he took her to the lake. They sat on the rocks in silence before he spoke. "No matter what you choose, I won't let anything happen to you again." he vowed. Feeling his intentions to uphold that promise, she broke. She threw herself into his arms, crying, begging to stay with them.

     She nodded as more tears fell. He smiled and wiped them away before pulling her in for a hug. "I meant it then and I mean it now. I will always be there for you. If he ever hurts you, I don't care how small it is, you can always come back." he assured.
      She hugged him tighter, not wanting to leave. After a minute he pulled away and took her to Mace. Before they turned to leave, he yelled to Mace. "If you hurt her, in any way, I will avenge her tenfold. Do you understand me?". His stance was stiff and threatening. Mace had no doubt he meant every word.
     "On my life, I promise that I well never hurt her." he replied. Luke gave a hard nod of his head then rejoined his parents. Mace's pack had shifted beforehand, so he and Sera went and shifted.
      Once ready they sprinted into the forest, heading to her new home. A howl broke through the night, joined by meant others, a farewell. She stopped and looked back one last time. She howled back, wondering when she'd see them again.
     The howls died off, silence encompassing the forest. Mace nuzzled the size of her head, causing her to look up at him. He licked the side of her face giving her a reassuring smile. "Let's go." he gestured to the path. With a resolute nod of her head, they turned and ran.

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