Perfect For Me

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Maces pov

     I was raging. Because of this mutt, my mate could have been seriously hurt, or worse. "Shut up! Don't think like that!" My wolf Raulfe growled. I felt his anger beneath the surface. He was angry at himself more than the other Alpha. Jax and I walked outside and to a clearing deep in the woods.
     "I'm sorry this happened. Never did I think one of my wolves, even a bitch like Sarah, could do such a thing." I searched his expression for any traces of a lie and found none. "You can't get any lower than selling a wolf to a rogue." I commented. "How long has she hated my mate?"
     "Sera grew up alongside my son, the future Alpha. I say this not to anger you, but to help you understand the depth of resentment." He waited until I nodded then continued. "My wife and I always thought Luke and Sera would be mates. " I growled but said nothing "MY MATE!" Raulfe yelled. "Sarah was, and has always been, envious of how close the two were. Whenever she'd try to get close to Lucas, he would brush her away, checking up on Sera or helping her with whatever she needed. The abuse started when Lucas openly humiliated Sarah." "What kind of abuse?" I ground out through clenched teeth
     "It started out as little incidents. Tripping her saying she fell. Bruises blamed on clumsiness. The marks were always hidden from our view. Sera claimed she didn't want to start a fight. She would wear clothes that covered the marks, or makeup to hide the occasional mark on the face. We tried to get her to confess, but she never said anything. It was obvious who was causing the marks, but having no evidence and Seras refusal to confess I could do nothing."
     I ran a hand through my hair, making it look messy. "I want her things packed by tomorrow afternoon. We are leaving in two days. I want her with me tonight to avoid anymore surprises." "That is up to Sera. You must take the matter up with her. Do not force the issue, she is a beloved member of this pack." "You forget who you're talking to. I'm stronger than you and you know it. Secondly, she is my mate. Lastly, and do not forget this part, she is no longer a part of your pack. You gave her to me, as a part of my pack and my Luna. I will not accept anymore disrespect from you."
     "I am very well aware of your.....advantage.....over normal wolves. But do not forget, if you hurt her in any way, you will have many wolves thirsting for your blood." With that said he turned and walked back to the house. I stood there for awhile, contemplating. "She never stood up for herself. And we were never there for her." Raulfe  whimpered. I shifted and ran into the woods. 
     Running always helped me to calm down. I loved feeling the earth beneath my paws. The wind in me fur as I dodged trees and other obstacles in my path. I loved finding something to hunt, the chase, and especially the kill. Feeling my claws sink into my prey, hearing bones crack and the tearing of flesh. Thanks to my blood, everything was heightened beyond that of a normal shifter.
     "Go left." "Why?" "I sense mate." I spead up as I caught her scent. I ran down some trails and came to a small pond. Laying on a rock was my mate. Raulfe and I sat and stared at her as she had yet to notice us. She looked so beautiful, the full moon high above the trees cast moon beams down on her silvery fur. The stripe down her back stood out from her fur. She had her head on her paws, and we could smell the salty tears that she shed.
     I slowly walked over to her, trying not to disturb the earth and startle her. "So beautiful." Raulfe said in awe. I continued walking until I reached the boulder. Her wolf must have sensed me, and I saw fear in her eyes before she recognized me. I sat down and just watched her. She shifted uncomfortably under my gaze.
     "Can I help you, Alpha?" I heard her beautiful voice float through my mind. "What are you doing here alone?"
       I linked back. " I...I needed think about everything." I heard the tears even through the link. I nodded and walked over to a tree. I pulled out a pair of shorts and an outfit for Sera once I found the marked tree. I shifted and pulled on the shorts then walked back to Serena. I handed her the outfit and she stood up. When she jumped off the rock I noticed a huge scar on her side. I sat on the rock as I waited for her to come back. I saw her come out from behind a tree in the white shirt and sweatpants.
     "Why are you standing so far away?" I asked her. She jumped at my voice, but walked over and stood next to the boulder. I leaned over and grabbed her under her arms. She yelped as I lifted her up before I sat her on my lap and wrapped my arms around her.  I smiled as I rested my chin on her head. I felt her stiffen up. Raulfe purred at the tingles and I sighed in  comfort. "Just relax. I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt my mate Sera." I mumbled trying to get her to relax. "Why did you run from me when we first met?" I quietly inquired.
     "I meant no disrespect Alpha." She hurriedly replied. "I told you once. Do not call me Alpha, not you. You are my Luna. Our stations are one in the same." "I'm a runt. My father was an omega. I'm the furthest thing from a Luna." She stated bowing her head. "You could be the halfbred daughter of a disgraced rogue and I'd still claim you as my mate and Luna." I said with sincerity. "You need someone strong by your side. Not a runt who's scared of her own shadow." "I need someone to bring the good out in me Serafina." "Why is she so adamant she's not the right mate for us? The Goddess gave her to us. ill be damned before I ever let her go for some greedy shewolf." Raulfe  growled. I agreed with him wholeheartedly. "Alpha, Alpha Jax requests your presence. Your mates stuff has arrived in your room, but the Alpha does not seem to pleased. The warriors would also like a chance to meet their Luna properly."  My beta Bash, short for Sebastian, linked me.
     "Poor timing Bash, very poor timing." I growled. He chuckled then apologized before I closed the link. "Come. You must be tired. Your stuff has arrived in my room and we have a long day tomorrow." I jumped off the rock and offered my hand to help her. "Y...your room?" She stuttered nervously. Her fear and nervousness permeated the air. "Yes my room. I do not see the point of sleeping in separate rooms form my mate. So I had your clothes moved to the dresser in my room, and the rest of your belongings are in the process of being packed for our departure in two days. Now, shall we go?"
     She hesitated for a moment then grasped my hand and slid down from the boulder. I pulled her to my side and wrapped my arm around her shoulders. Her sweet lilac scent filled my nose and my wolf purred. "How did I get so lucky?  My past is covered in blood. Im a monster whos done terrible things in my life. Yet the moon goddess gave me this innocent little wolf as my mate." I mused. We walked to the house and I grabbed her hand, guiding her to the Alphas office.
     Her previous Alpha and his Luna were already in the room, and whatever was said could be said in front of the both of us. She is my mate, and I will hold no secrets from her. We entered the room and all eyes fell on me then Serafina. The Luna walked over and bowed her head to me then hugged Sera. The Alpha nodded at Sera and she bowed her head, then he turned to me. "I specifically told you to ask Sera before moving her into your room. Your moving to quickly without her consent." He growled. "Remember your place." I growled back. I saw her shift closer to May, and sucked in a breath. We may both be alphas, but I was stronger and he knew it.
     "Sera, if he does something you don't like, it is within your right to tell him so." Jax said, looking at her. I growled, Raulfe trying to take control. "She is my mate. I will not allow her to be separated from me. To Much has happened since I arrived. First you were attacked by rogues, then Sera was almost sold to another rogue by one of your own pack members. She will not be leaving my side anytime soon." I stated. May scowled before looking at Jax. "Serafina and I are going to leave you two to your little squabble. Sera doesn't need this after the day she's had." I growled at her disrespect before she walked out the door with my mate. Jax ran a hand through his hair.
     "She is sleeping in my room and that's final. I will not take no for an answer. Now, I have some questions." I leveled a glare at him. He sighed before nodding his head. "Why is she so frail?" I deadpanned. Raulfe could smell how weak she was and he didn't like it at all. "Being a runt has been bad enough. However, it is not the only reason for her frailty. When she was young, her family was attacked. Her mother and  father was killed, and she didn't get away completely unscathed. When we found her, she'd been gone for so long. She was weak and malnourished. She's never quite recovered completely ever since. Some nights are worse than others, but the healer has created a certain remedy for her." "That explains the scar on her side." Jace thought. "Why is she so submissive? I'm glad she shows respect, but she takes it way to far and never fights back." I asked suspiciously. "She's been like that since she was born. Her mother and father taught her respect, but she's never fought back. I have no idea what made her so submissive, but I believe it has something to do with the attack. She's never talked about it, she may not even remember all the details." I had no reason to suspect him of hurting her, so I turned to the door. I could hear her laugh and Raulfe purred at the sound.
     "Are you going to tell her? As your mate she has a right to know the truth about you. Better she hear it from you than someone else." Jax advised. "How do you tell the most timid girl in the world, that you are part wolf part monster? How do you tell her that you're part lycan? That you have the blood of a monster in you?" I asked. Lycans, the beasts of the night. Superior to regular werewolves, with far advanced abilities. Lycans were the monsters mother's warned they're pups about. More animalistic than wolves, stories of Lycans killing mercilessly were passed from generation to generation. My father was an alpha lycan, the most feared alpha besides the king of all lycans. How could I tell her that the monsters of her nightmares was a part of me?
     "She deserves to know. If not now then soon. Hiding the truth will only hurt her in the end." Jax gave me a look that flooded with protectivness over my mate. "I know. I just need to find the right moment." I muttered. It was not a conversation I looked forward to. "Now, shall we go check on our mates? And if I'm not mistaken, I do believe I smell Mays Apple pie. You should try it, best pie I've ever had." Jax said smiling. I nodded before grasping the door handle and turning it. I was shocked to see Sera standing on the other side, fist raised as if she was about to knock, as I opened the door.

Sorry, I know this chapter kind of sucked, but I haven't had a lot of inspiration. So, little lycan info. In this story Lycans and werewolves are different. Lycans are more animalistic than wolves. They're senses are far superior to that of normal werewolves. Mace is part lycan part werewolf. His father was the second strongest lycan alpha, after the king. His mother was a regular werewolf. Fate decided to pair the two. Werewolves are a subspecies of Lycans, however they are considered their own race. Oh, and when I said don't criticize my book, that didn't mean y'all can't comment. A few tips, a couple suggestions, even a little smiley face would be nice. Just don't be hatin on my book.

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