A Moment of Peace

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"Run Sera!"
"I'm running as fast as I can!"

   I felt a nip on my tail so I found one last burst of energy and ran as fast as I could. I could hear the wolf behind me getting closer, but I was exhausted. I felt teeth grab the scruff of my neck and I was lifted off the ground. I growled in frustration and I was lowered to the ground.

"Caught ya." Luke mind-linked me
"Oh shut up." I growled back through the link.

   We shifted in silence and walked to the tree. Out of common sense, our pack put clothes in certain trees for those who might need them. We got dressed then walked to the house. "You need to run faster, Sera, or you won't stand a chance against a rogue attack." Luke scolded.
    "I couldn't go any faster or I would have died of exhaustion." I lowered my gaze to the ground in respect.
He gave me a sympathetic look before opening the door to the pack house.
   Luna May glanced up and smiled. "There are my babies!" She yelled hugging both of us.
     "Mom, I'm 19. I'm not a baby anymore." He growled. "Luke, mind your mother." I lightly slapped his arm. "I'm sorry Luna, our training session didn't go as well as he wanted." I bowed my head in shame.
     "Lucas Monroe Jackson. How many times do I have to tell you to go easy on Serafina. You know her wolf isn't as strong as normal wolves." She admonished him.
   "It wasn't his fault Luna. I told him I wanted to be trained as a normal wolf." I said quietly. "Oh sweetie, I told you to call me May. Stop being so submissive all the time. You are a part of this family." She said hugging me. I smiled and nodded before heading upstairs.
     I saw Alpha Jax coming down the stairs and immediately lowered my head. "Weren't you told not to do that?" He asked smiling.
     "Of course, I'm sorry Alpha." He laughed and patted my shoulder. "Don't forget we are greeting the new alpha of the Silver Lake pack tomorrow. Tonight we are going on our monthly pack run." "Yes sir."
   I continued to my room and flopped on the bed. I messaged my friend and after a few minutes I heard knocking. "Come on in." I shouted. Marissa walked in a sat on the bed.
     "You have to stop pushing yourself so hard Sera." She said sternly. "I'm not weak Mair, I just haven't been feeling well. I asked you to make me feel better, not worse." I groaned sitting up. "Sleep, or pain?" She asked me, knowing what I meant.
     "Sleep. I can't shake this feeling something big is gonna happen." I said tiredly. "Well, get some rest and see how you feel tomorrow." She suggested. "I can't, remember?" I said sleepily. I rolled my eyes when she quirked an eyebrow. "Pack run." I reminded her.
   "Surely Alpha will let you stay home and rest." She suggested. "The pack already thinks I'm weak." I replied. "Then at least take something. You can't keep doing this to yourself. One day your mate is going to find you weak and frail and he's going to be sad that you did this to yourself." "If I even have one."
     I said angrily. "Don't say that! Every wolf has a mate. The Goddess wouldn't make you a mateless runt. I bet your mate is the strongest and will shower you with love and adoration."
   "Whatever you say." I said standing up. "Will everyone please get ready for the pack run? Be in the clearing in 12 minutes." Alpha Max mind-linked everyone. "Come on, we should get ready.".
     Marissa rolled her eyes, but stood up nevertheless. To get ready for a pack run, everyone went to their rooms and prayed to the goddess, then went outside and shifted. It took Serafina three minutes to set up the alter. She prayed for about 8 minutes, then went outside. She went behind a tree and shifted then went to the clearing. A couple wolves were already there, sitting in a circle. Alpha and Luna arrived, Lucas just behind them.
     Due to her size, she had to look up to meet their eyes. Luna May gave me a pointed look then gestured with her snout to come sit next to her.
   I lowered my head and walked over to them. I bowed my head in respect then sat next to Luna. She licked the top of my head and smiled at me. Once all the pack members, over 100 in total, were seated Alpha stood up. "Tonight we run beneath the full moon in honor of the Goddess." Alpha spoke, then led us all into a howl. Alpha finished the howl and took off running to the woods, Luna May beside him. Luke and I ran just behind them, followed by Beta Kane. 
     The rest of the pack ran behind him as we dodged trees and jumped over creeks. Everything was beautiful, then it all crashed down and our world was shaken.

Ok, so what do you think so far? Please do not correct me on anything. I made the story for you to read, not criticize. Serafina Atlas is 18, with long black hair and baby blue eyes. Her parents died in a rogue attack protecting her. She was born a runt, and the Alpha and Luna raised her as their own along with their own son Lucas/Luke. Luke is 19 with short brown hair and dark brown, almost black, eyes. Alpha Jax has brown shaggy hair and green eyes. Luna May has blonde hair and brown eyes. Beta Kane has silver hair, due to an event from his past which I will explain later on, with black eyes. Sera is a silvery wolf with a black stripe down her back and tail, named Clara. Luke, or Lucas, is a chestnut colored wolf like his father, and Luna May is a white wolf named Lydia. Beta Kane is a black wolf named Shade. Alpha Jax is also chestnut colored named Malick. Sorry there aren't any pictures but....it is what it is.

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