The Other Side of the Coin

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The vessel usually kept his emotions in check. It took an extreme amount of focus to contain the power that  held. But he felt a moment of freedom. A split second and the mental restraints that held him back disappeared. A split second was all he needed.

Theron blinked, trying to take in his surroundings. He did not know where they were or, nor how they got there. Not that he really cared. Once he had a general understanding of his surroundings, he took the time to try and understand what had caused his vessel to lose control.

It was then he felt a slight sting  in his cheek. It did not hurt, it was more of a tingle. He looked down to see a small female staring up at him. Her blue eyes were widened in shock and he could sense a bit of fear from her.

He noted they were both soaked, still standing in the icy water. He did a quick scan of the small female, sensing she was an ordinary shifter. He noted her hand was clenched into a fist over her heart. Theron came to the conclusion that this small, weak, girl had struck him.

"How dare she strike him? She is of a weaker race, both physically and spiritually. Not to mention he could not let such a sign of disrespect go unpunished, especially in front of his clan. But he felt a strange sort of pull to this female. An unwillingness to mortally wound her. It irritated him." he thought. There was an inner war, weakening his ability to remain in control.

He tightened his grip, lightly shaking her. It was mainly to snap her out of her stupor, but he was also shaking in unbridled rage. His sudden awakeing, the unfamiliar area, and the enigma of the girl in his grasp were taking a toll on him.

"Do not raise your hand to me ever again!" he snarled. When she remained silent he shook her again. "Do you understand?!" he growled. "Yes alpha!" she cried, her head lowering in submission.

Her level of complacancy shocked him. He commanded respect and obediance, but she was displaying more subserviance than necessary.  The strangeness of the interaction shocked him, as nothing ever had before.

"NO!" his vessel cried, the force of his despair further shocked Theron. He knew wolf-shifters were more prone to their emotions, but she must be extremely important for his vessels emotions to render him powerless.

He was shoved to the back of their shared concious, something that had only happened once before and had left him weak for years. This time he felt slightly stronger, more at peace, despite the confusion at this turn of events.

He heard his vessel try to blame Raulfe for his surely noticeable change in behavior. He was usually very forthcoming about his third nature, but it seemed he didn't want this female to know about him. Theron was angered and intrigued by this. Who was this female? What was she? How could he feel for her when he'd killed many before for merely being in the vicinity.

Theron decided to rest, gather his strength for his next attempt to control their shared body. He drifted off into nothingness, unaware of his vessels doings. The last thing he felt before drifting off was a wave of convern for the girl. It infuriated him.

Raulfe blamed himself for his lapse in awareness. He too had been shocked from the blow from their mate. Had he been more resilient, Theron would have never had as much control as he had managed to seize.

"I'm sorry." he sighed, sensing Sera's fear. "It's not just your fault. I'm the one that lost control and dropped his restraints." Mace assured.
Raulfe accepted his apology, but still felt the most at fault. It was his duty to keep Theron weak and he had failed. They didn't know if Theron would feel the mate bond as well. He could have killed Sera, he'd killed many before for far less. One thing was for certain, they could not allow such a thing to happen again. For their sake as well as her safety. Even if it killed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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