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        That night had been horrible. Mace had forced Sera to drink the medicine, and she hadn't it taken kindly to the process. She had yelled many hurtful things at him, even though he knew she didn't mean them.
Now he sat in a chair in their temporary room. He watched her as she lay there sleeping. He would have to take her to his packs doctor. "Her wound should not be paining her still. It should have healed long ago."  Raulfe stated. Mace knew this was true. It was a simple task for a wound to heal within days. However that was not the case with Serafina. He couldn't wait to introduce her to the pack.
       Everything was moving quickly, to which Mace was pleased. All the arrangements had been made. Her stuff was packed, the pack had been notified, everything was running quickly. He knew his mother would be ecstatic that he'd finally found his mate. He wasn't quite sure how his father would react. His father wanted him to find a mate that would strengthen the packs alliance. "He can either accept our mate or leave."  Raulfe growled. He waited for Sera to wake up, wanting to see his mates baby blue eyes. Today was going to be busy, and he wanted a few moments alone with her.
        He looked at her sleeping form only to realize she wasn't asleep. She lay there starting at him, a far away look in her eyes. "What is it love? Is something the matter?" he asked her quietly. His voice snapped her out of the trance she'd been in. She looked up at him and nodded, but he felt something was off. "Clara won't tell me what's wrong with mate. All she says is that it is for Serafina to explain." Raule whined. "Before we leave this room I'd like to ask you a few things. Is that alright?" he asked, coming to sit on the bed. She sat up and looked around the room before looking back at him. "Do as you wish." she mumbled. "Sera, why are you so submissive?" he sighed.
            She looked taken back by his sudden question. "He's an Alpha, aren't we supposed to be submissive to him?" she thought. "You're an alpha, my status is below you. Defiance and aggression towards an alpha call for punishment." she stated as though it was obvious. "Sera, that's not right. One; I do not expect that from you, two; you are my Luna now, and three; I have never punished someone for being their self. I would never hurt you for speaking your mind, I hope you know that." he said reaching out and cupping the side of her head. She fractionally leaned into his touch and he smiled. 'I guess it's because of my size. I know I'm smaller than the average wolf so I feel like I have to be respectful of everyone else. Luke puts my life above his own, Alpha Jax and Luna May were kind enough to take me in when they could have thrown me out, and most everyone else has never shown me any form of hatred. As for Sarah and her crew, jealousy and greed can make people do things they wouldn't normally do, and I'm not going to hate her for her human side." she tried to make him understand.
         Mace was shocked at the passion in her explanation. He didn't detect any lies thought her little speech, every word she'd said came from her heart. "How can she say she isn't fit to be Luna? She's the most qualified shewolf for the job." Mace smiled. "Not many wolves would have the patience or ability to do that Serafina. You may not see it, but I can tell you were born to be a Luna." he leaned in and kissed her forehead. She blushed when he leaned back and looked into her eyes. "So what else were you...ah....curious about?" she stuttered. "I only ask so I can help in the future. Sera, I need you to tell me about your wound. It should have healed long ago. What happened all those years?"
        She closed her eyes and looked away. She didn't want to talk about this. It's bad enough she had a constant reminder, now she had to relive that night? "This pain can stop Sera. If you tell him, he can help you. Let go of your pain and regret. Trust him, he's not going to hurt you."Clara pleaded. Mace waited patiently for her to decide. She heaved a sigh before looking back at him. She hugged her knees to her chest.
"It started out like every normal night. We were going to go running later, so we had an early supper. Mom and Dad and I all sat at the table. We were happy and content. When it was time for the run, we all shifted and met in the clearing. We started the run like usual. They told me to stay near the river if we got separated. Somehow I lost them in the commotion. I stayed near the river until I saw a wolf that looked like my dad's wolf. I followed them into the woods. When I reached a clearing, I was tackled. A human rogue stuck a knife in my side, forcing me to shift back. The last thing I remember is him telling me that my obedience would keep everyone else safe. Then I blacked out. When I woke up I was a strange place. I was there for years. They.....made me...submit. They made it clear from day one what I was. I slept in a cell. I was given little food. They used me as a test subject sometimes. The Alpha was abusive, as were his pack members. I know what they did was wrong, but the memories remain. Ever since that night my side hurts. I've seen countless healers. The medicine I took last night helps lessen the pain, but it never truly goes away."
             Mace stayed silent, listening intently to every little detail. One detail caught his attention. "Love, you said you were experimented on. I'd like you to meet with Dr. Callahan Hathoway when we go home. My pack is a bit more...modern." Sera merely nodded. "If you wish to speak your mind then please do so. Your submission is not required." Sera contemplated his words before replying  "Will it.....hurt?" She questioned nervously. "I assure you, you will feel nothing." she couldn't find any hints as to whether or not he was lying. "I can trust you, can't I?" She questioned quietly, looking down at her hands. He grabbed her hands in one of his, using the other to raise her head. Kissing her forehead he muttered "yes Sera, you can."

Finally! Yeah, I know it sucks. Haven't been inspired lately. So, obviously I changed her back story, again, figured this way adds an even better explanation.

I seriously don't even know, so here it is:
Serafina was kidnapped
Her kidnappers were abusive
Her side hurts because the kidnappers experimented on her
Her pack gave up looking for her, but Luke didn't
He finally found and rescued her

None of the healers she's seen can figure out why her side still hurts after all these years because they are old school, Mace's pack is more modern which you will discover later on. eventually this story will begin to make sense........................ I hope....

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