Shadows of the Past Can Haunt Us Forever

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Sera was smiling as she ran. Her mother and father ran beside her, making sure no harm came to her. They stopped at a lake to get a drink. "Stay here sweetie. We'll be back shortly." her father nuzzled his snout against her head. She laughed and responded "okay daddy.", licking him. Her mother licked her head, then her mom and dad ran into the woods. While she waited she chased fireflies and layed on her back, watching the stars. Suddenly, the gentle breeze that had been blowing stopped. The world went quiet and Sera slowly stood. "SERA!" her parents voices screamed, shattering the silence. "Mommy? Daddy!" She cried out fearfully. She saw a flash through the trees and chased it, thinking it was her father. She came upon a clearing and paused for breath. Suddenly a human jumped on her. She felt an immense pain in her side. "Dont worry little girl. We will take care of you." He laughed as she fell down in pain. "After all, mommy and daddy won't be there to teach you all you need to know."
Sera woke up crying and disoriented. There was a heavy weight across her chest. Without knowing what it was she shoved it off and jumped off the bed. She ran to the closet and slammed the door, sitting in the back corner. Mace was confused when he heard the door slam. One minute he had been peacefully snuggling with his mate, the next he was staring at the closet she had ran to. Slowly he got up and walked to the closet. He placed his hand on the door frame and listened closely. A sleepy Jax and startled May walked into the room. "Whats going on, we heard a door slam" Jax said accusingly. "I don't know. One minute we were sleeping the next she ran into the closet."
Luke walked in with a lavender blanket and small white pillow. "It's the anniversary of her parents deaths." He simply stated. May gasped and covered her mouth, Jax looked down sadly. Mace looked at the door, still confused. "She has nightmares every time." Luke explained. Raulfe whimpered when he felt the full force of her fear and despair. Luke approached the door, asking Mace to back up. May and Jax left the room, figuring the two men had everything under control. "Sera? Sera, please it's just Mace and I. Open up, let us help you." he pleaded.
It was quiet before a low shuffling could be heard. Slowly, the closet door creaked open. Sera peaked her head out, looking around the room for threats. Mace looked at Luke as he slowly extended the items. He noticed the pillow had a printed image on it depicting two adults and a younger child. Upon closer inspection he noticed it was Sera when she was younger. "Those most be her parents." he thought. Luke knelt down slowly and her gaze locked him. He slowly offered her the items, laying them inches from her. She fully opened the door and sat cross-legged in the doorway.
She picked the pillow and studied it for a minute. She suddenly burst into sobs, tightly hugging the pillow. Luke slowly stood up and wrapped the blanket around her. "Let her cry for a little bit, then you can comfort her. Hold her to soon and you'll frighten her. She is approachable when she holds the pillow in her lap. Any sooner and she'll go back in the closet." Luke whispered to Mace as he stood. "For now just sit back aways and keep an eye on her. If she starts screaming hold her so she doesn't do anything bad." Mace nodded and Luke left the room. "Lucas." Mace lowly murmured. Luke stopped and turned towards him."Do these items help her in some way?"
Luke nodded sadly. "Her parents gave them to her. The lilac blanket was made by her mother. Her father gave her the pillow when they had to leave her alone at times." Luke said, walking away from the room. Mace studied her for a minute before slowly sitting down across from her. He heard a floorboard creak and looked at the doorway. A girl stood there, studying Sera. Her red hair was cut in a lopsided Bob, with the right side being the longer side. Her green eyes focused on Sera before sliding to look at him."excuse me, Alpha Darkwood. I'm Marissa, a close friend of Seras. I happened to remember the date and came to check on her. Is she alright?"
Mace nodded, turning back to look at Sera. He heard Marissa sigh. "Please take care of her. She's the best friend I've ever had. She's also the kindest person I've ever met. I did my best, but now it's your turn to chase away the shadows and demons from her past." Though she never raised her voice, he could feel the passion in every word. "I swear to protect her from here on. You have my word."
Marissa smiled and walked out of the room, knowing her friend was in good hands.
Mace sat silently, keeping a watch over Sera. Gradually, her sobs subsided. She slowly lowered the pillow into her lap. Mace spoke in a low voice "are you alright mate?" She looked up at him before launching herself into his arms. They immediately wrapped around her, encompassing her in a sense of safety. "Shhhh, it's alright. I'm here now, and I won't let anyone harm you ever again." He whispered, stroking her hair. She trembled as he held her."why?" she whispered. He looked at her, confused by the question. "Why what?" he murmured.
"Why do you say these things? Why do you not reject me? Don't you get it? I'm broken! I'm not fit to be Luna! I don't even deserve you! I'm not strong, I'm weak! I couldn't protect my parents, how am I supposed to protect others! I was held for years and couldn't do a single thing! I never fought back, I let them do as they willed! Why do you look at me as if I'm the only one for you when there are countless women out there who are better suited for the position of your mate and Luna?" she'd leaned back to look into his eyes during her rant. Her words broke his heart, and the heart of his wolf. "Listen to me Serafina. Your past does not define you. You're shaken, but not broken. Mate bond or no mate bond, you are the only female I will ever choose. There is no mold for Lunas. To be my Luna, you only need to be yourself. Others can say what they will, it is not their decision. It is mine, and I choose you. I will always choose you. You're parents died for you, not because of you. You did what was necessary to survive in your situation. I love you, I always will. For me it is only you, and I wouldn't have it any other way." he vowed, kissing her forehead.
He held her bridal style as he stood. The pillow and blanket laid forgotten on the floor. He tucked her in then climbed in with her. He reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear. She tried to keep her eyes open, but they slowly slid shut. Before the darkness of sleep swept her away, she heard him whisper "I love you." Then the world disappeared and sleep stole her away. Mace whispered he loved her, then kissed her forehead. When he was sure she asleep he added "even though I don't deserve your love in return." before he too fell asleep.


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