72 (Edited)

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Oliver an I got up right at five which to when we went to sleep definitely wasn't enough sleep for either one of us.

We got dressed in comfortable clothes, knowing that we would be on the plane for like six hours.

After we were dressed and packed, we walked downstairs to where Oliver's parents were.

We got outside and Oliver and his dad loaded the truck up before Oliver got in the backseat with me and Alec in the front seat with Christina.

Fifteen minutes later we arrived at the airport, all of us getting out Oliver and his dad getting our bags out the trunk of the truck.

"We love you guys so much, please keep us updated with the babies, and hopefully we'll be able to come to see you guys soon," Christina said as she hugged Oliver before coming over and giving me a hug.

"Of course, I have an appointment this week and I'll text you to let you know how it went, and we would love for you guys to come to see us, we definitely have the space for it," I told her.

"Okay, you guys go we love you call or text us when you're home safe," Alec said as he hugged Oliver and me.

"We love you guys too, we'll text you guys," I said as we started walking into the airport.

We walked in went through baggage claim and going through security, and then we were able to board the plane.

We put our carry-ons in the overhead compartment before sitting down.

"That was a nice four day weekend, I'm definitely gonna miss everyone," I told Oliver as we laced our fingers together.

"It was, and me too you never realize how much you miss someone until you see them again," Oliver said and nodded my head completely agreeing with that.

We continued talking during takeoff and continued to talk for the rest of the flight when they landed and we got off the plane.

Heading towards baggage claim, once we got our bags we walked over the airport to our car.

Oliver loaded everything in the trunk before getting in the car, and we decided we'd picked something up for lunch but cook something for dinner.

We decided on Panera Bread, and then heading back towards the base, around twenty minutes later we made it back on the base and back to the house.

I carried the food in while Oliver brought our stuff in, I had walked in the kitchen putting out my phone and sending a quick text to everyone letting them know that we were and safe.

I set our food out, grabbing myself a water and Oliver a beer before sitting down waiting for Oliver to join me.

And a few minutes later Oliver came and sat across from me.

"It's so nice to finally be home, I felt like we were in Texas a lot longer than four days," I told Oliver as we began eating.

"I know, although I do have work tomorrow but at least I don't have to get up early." He said and nodded.

"You think you'll be able to make the appointment on Tuesday?" I asked him.

"Of course, I told you I'm not gonna miss an appointment unless I have to, and even then I'll do everything I can to make it." He explained, and it definitely just made me fall more in love with him.

"Thank you, baby, I love you so much," I told him.

"You're welcome, and I love you too babygirl." He winked.

We finished up lunch, and for the rest of the early evening we washed and put away clothes.

We took a shower together, what else is new, we also cleaned up around the house, and by the time we got all that done, it was time for dinner.

Which we decided would be, grilled steak, with green beans and potatoes something we both love.

Once we finished dinner we decided we'd eat in the living, while we watched a movie.

We'd finished dinner and went about up the leftovers and cleaned up from cooking, before heading back into the living room to watch more movies.

As it wasn't too late, and we were also kinda jet-lagged from the flight, even though it's not a super long flight Oliver and I just get affected by jet lag easier I guess.

We were cuddled up in the couch, just enjoying each other's company, happy to be home.

"I love you babygirl, I'll never be able to tell you that enough how much I do, you've been so amazing putting yourself through another pregnancy, I'm so thankful for you," Oliver said whispering the last part.

"Gosh, I love you too babe, so much and I'm equally as thankful for you." I smiled as I leaned up connecting our lips together.
A/N: Another short chapter I know but again at least there's a chapter going up.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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Love you guys to the moon and back!❤️

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن