53 (Edited)

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Oliver and I were going home today the doctor said that I look fine I've recovered well after birth.

We were getting to spend our last few moments with our little Paisley and it's extremely hard to know that we were going to go home without our daughter.

I touched her nose, her lips, eyes just trying to remember her every feature. "I don't want to leave her." I whispered to Oli who sitting right next to me.

He leaned over and kissed my head. "I know, I don't want to either but she's going to the best possible place she could be at and best of all even though we don't get the privilege to watch her grow up Lucas will." He said as he grabbed my face so he could see my eyes.

I nodded my head. "I know I just wish we were taking her home," I whispered to him.

But he didn't get a chance to say anything because multiple people came in including my doctor.

They all stood in front of us. "Okay, so this is going to be the hard part about of this, your discharge papers have gone through so it's time that we take Paisley." Dr. Micah said to us.

I slowly picked her up she was still just as beautiful as she was when she was born yesterday but she had massively started decomposing making her skin almost see through.

Once I had her in my arms I kissed her and told her I loved her and that one day we would be reunited after I said my goodbyes to her I handed her to Oli.

"I love so much princess you'll always be my little bean and I can't wait to be with you again someday." He whispered in her ear and then kissing her little face before handing her off to one of the nurses.

After that, I fell into Oli's arms as I just cried because even though she was gone she was with us and now she's really gone.

"Take you're time getting ready and then when you are you guys can leave you don't have to do anything else."

"But I do really quickly want to go over your postpartum recovery,
Now not everyone gets it but in case it's even more likely so I would highly recommend you either go to therapy or have a strong support platform around you in order to prevent postpartum depression."

"Also I want to see you in couple days and then again after that just to make sure that everything is healing well, also be expecting to still be bleeding that should dissipate within the next few weeks."

"Also no heavy lifting give your body at least six weeks before you do anything crazy maybe even longer if you feel the need too."

"And also no sexual intimacy for at least six weeks because you did just have a baby and you can even wait longer than that just whatever feels comfortable for you."

"Now I'm sure this won't be on your guys' mind for quite some time but I would recommend waiting at least six months before trying to conceive again now, of course, you guys might decide to wait longer than that and that's perfectly okay."

"Okay I think that's everything call me if you have any questions otherwise I'll see you in a couple of days, I'll also have a nurse bring in a wheelchair. So before I leave do either of you have any questions for me?" He asked once he had gone over everything.

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon