4 (Edited)

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(3 months later)
I was currently eating breakfast since I had a long work day ahead of me I started my day rather early.

I finished my breakfast and as I was cleaning up I heard a knock on the door.

Confused as to why there would be a knock seeing as it was 7:30 in the morning.

But nonetheless, I walked over to the door unlocking it and opened it only to have my heart drop in my stomach.

"Is this Evelyn Scott's resident?" One of the men in uniform asked.

I cleared the lump in my throat before speaking. "Yes, that's correct," I spoke tightly.

"Could we come in?" The other one questioned.

"Um yes, of course, follow me," I said as I gestured them to follow me into the living room.

"Please take a seat, can I offer you gentlemen something to drink?" I asked as they both sat down.

"Water would be lovely ma'am." One of them spoke.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing two bottles of water before dreadfully heading back into the living room where I know my life is about to change for the worst.

"Here you go," I said as I handed them the water.

"Thank you, I'm Sergeant Reynolds, and this is Sergeant Matthews, and we are here to discuss the topic of Lucas Scott your brother." Officer Reynolds spoke.

I slowly breathed out. "What happened?" I asked as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"We are very sorry to inform you but during a stake out there was a bomb and your brother and his unit were involved in that explosion causing your brothers death, we are very sorry for your loss." Sergeant Matthews spoke.

And I felt like my life had just caved in on me I felt suffocated this wasn't supposed to happen he was supposed to keep his promise of coming back to us there must some kind of mistake he has a wife a daughter and another daughter arriving next month.

"T-there must be a mistake he was supposed to come home, he has a wife and a daughter and another daughter coming next month p-please tell there's been a mistake and this is a just some screwed up joke and he's gonna walk through that door, p-please don't make have to tell his wife that her husband isn't going to come home and that their kids will never know their father, please I'm begging you tell me this is a joke." I cried.

"I'm sorry miss Scott but this is no joke I honestly wish it was." He once again apologized but no matter how many times they did it wouldn't be enough it wouldn't bring him back.

And then that's when it hit me I have to explain to everyone that their son, brother, husband, and dad, isn't coming home in a few months as we expected.

Sobs racked through my body uncontrollably as the pain of losing my brother hit me.

I cleared my throat once more before speaking, "Um thank you for the information um I think I'm going to call all the family so not to be rude but could you officers leave?" I asked as nicely as I could.

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin