5 (Edited)

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3 weeks later
It's been three weeks since we found out about Lucas and today was his funeral a day I definitely was not looking forward to.

I got up early to get ready and so I can do the last minute preparations I dressed in a long black dress.

I arrived at the venue that the funeral was being held at, I walked in having everyone bow their heads in respect I also saw some men in marine uniforms figuring they were somewhat related to Lucas I made my way over to them.

"Hi, I'm Evelyn I was Lucas' sister," I said as I shook their hands.

"Yes, of course, he talked a lot about you, I'm Garnet and this Charlie there were more of us but they couldn't make but we wanted to show our respects he was a great man," Garnet spoke.

"He was and thank you both for coming please be comfortable here you guys are family just as much as everyone else here," I spoke wanting them to be comfortable.

"Thank you that means a lot," Charlie spoke.

"You're welcome it was lovely speaking to you guys but I have a few things I need to finish before we start," I said.

We bid our goodbyes and I made my way around the place thanking everyone for coming.

And then the time came the funeral was starting.

"We are gathered here today in respects of Officer Sergeant Lucas Grant Scott, he served and fought for his country knowing the costs of doing so and he paid those costs as do a lot of other people do."

He was a loving and kind man I watched him grow up, he so dearly loved his family and then the family he created himself his daughter Sophia and his second daughter Rylee on the way and of course his wife Payton."

"I remember when he came to me some years ago asking if I would do his wedding and I, of course, couldn't pass up the opportunity and boy am I glad I didn't." The pastor spoke.

"Now I believe his sister Evelyn had some words to share, come on up Evelyn." Pastor John spoke, I know super ironic right.

I walked up to the front of the church standing next to his casket.

"Hi I just wanted to share a few words, before he left he asked me if something were to happen to promise him that I would take care of his girls all three of them, and I, of course, said yes because I knew I wouldn't need to keep such a promise."

"But boy was I wrong, thinking back to that day it was almost like he knew he wasn't going to come back."

"So since he made me promise him that I would take care of his girls I intend on doing just that, Peyton if you or any of the girls need anything I've got you."

"He also told me that when the girls are older to tell them about him that he wishes the world wasn't so cruel to take him away of his girls, and that he wished he could have been there for them on their wedding day or prom or when they have kids but even if he's not there physically he's there spiritually."

"Thank you," I spoke as I finished out my speech.

I then walked back over to Ben, "Your speech was beautiful he would be very proud of you." Ben said softly.

"Thank you," I whispered.

There then a few more people who went up and gave their speeches, and we all then moved out to the grave to do his burial.

Saying our very last goodbyes, after the service was over we all retired back to Peyton's house not only to support her but also so everyone could get their kids we ended up hiring a nanny so the kids wouldn't have to sit through the service since it was so long.

Everyone left about 5 hours earlier but I decided to stick around to help Peyton get Sophia to bed and help her clean up around the house and made sure she had everything she needed for the most part before I decided to make my way back to my apartment as well.

Once back at the apartment I walked upstairs and stripped out of my clothes and into something more comfortable and climbed into bed letting sleep hit me.
A/N: So this was once again a sad chapter but next chapter will be slightly more upbeat kinda a bittersweet moment.

I hope you guys enjoyed!

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