26 (Edited)

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We got up pretty early the next morning both of us still on the high of getting engaged, last night truly was the best.

But anyways we had to get up early today because we were going to learn how to surf today.

Oli had dressed in swim shorts with a tank top, while I dressed in a red one-piece swimsuit that had cutouts in it.

After we were ready we walked hand and hand to the beach where we were meeting our tutor for the day.

"Hi my name is Jake, and I'll be your teacher today." He said as he shook both our hands.

"I'm Evelyn and this is my fiancé Oliver," I said introducing the both of us.

"Okay, well now that we know each other I'll go over some basic tips of surfing." He said as he stood in front of us.

As he was going over what we needed to do, like how our stance needed to be or how we needed to balance or paddle out or how to push up on the board in order to get a wave.

After five hours of lessons, we were done Oli was able to catch 5 waves by himself, and I was able to catch 3 waves myself.

After we were done surfing we went back to our room to change and take showers.

Now that we had showered and changed it was pretty late so we decided we would just go have an early dinner and retire back to our and spent some time with each other.

"Dinner was so good babe," I said as we walked back to the room.

"It was really good, I think when we get back home anything we eat this week we're not going to want to eat when we get back home because it won't be as good." Oli joked but he's not lying it definitely won't be the same.

"I know I'm really gonna miss the food here," I said just as we got back to our room.

We both changed once we were back in the room, and we decided we'd just cuddle in bed with some snacks and watch some movies.

"I truly can't wait to marry you, as soon as we get back home I want to start planning the wedding. The sooner we get everything figured out the sooner we can get married." Oli said as we were laying in bed cuddling.

"I can't wait either, it'll be the best day of my life up until we have kids, but won't we need to tell our families first?" I asked.

"Nope already told I was gonna propose, I mean I had to ask your dad for your hand in marriage." He said with a smirk.

"And they were fine with us getting engaged?" I questioned.

"Well, you're mom was over the moon as to be expected. And you're dad, of course, gave me some trouble but you know that's just how you're dad is, but yeah they were both very excited." He explained.

"I'm excited too, what would you like the color theme to be?" I asked him.

"Why don't you tell me what you have in mind, and then I'll get you my input." He said.

"Okay, so navy blue, grey, white, and then silver for an accent color," I told him.

"I really like that, so I'm good with that." He told me.

"Okay, we'll really can discuss everything when we get home," I told him.

After we had talked we went back to watching movies tangled about in bed with each other.

We had watched about three movies when Oli went to take a shower when he came out he just had a towel around his waist not leaving much to the imagination.

I struggled to tear my eyes away from his very defined six pack, yes that's right he has a freaking six pack.

He grabbed a new pair of boxers and slipped them on underneath the towel before tearing the towel off.

I felt both relieved and saddened at the same time, relieved because we still have at least three or some months till we get married if you catch my drift, but also saddened that if we were married I knew that I would have told him to take the towel off and come to bed. But that's beside the point.

Oli had gotten back into bed and pulled me to him, pushing my head so it was resting on his bare chest.

We started yet another movie but apparently, we were both so tired neither one of us got through even the first 30 minutes of it before falling asleep.
A/N: Go ahead shoot me, I know I said I was going to do better at uploading, and the past times the I've missed multiple days I've had an excuse but this time I really don't and I apologize it's taken me so long to get out I truly am sorry.

But I think the way to fix that is to make an actual uploading schedule so, I will be uploading on these days.


These will be the day I updated so expect a chapter always on one of these days.

I think it'll help me if I have a schedule because I know it needs to get done, so I'm trying😊

Also since they are now getting married on their honeymoon how much detail would you guys like in the bedroom part?

I also apologize for this chapter for being short I'm hoping the next one with be longer😊

Also, I wanted to mention I've been getting quite a few messages asking if this book it ending am time soon.

And it's definitely not this book still has a long while till it's completed.

But even we I do complete the book, I'll be in the process of publishing a new book! And I will tell you guys when it's out!

So after this book, it over, be on the lookout for a new book!


I love you guys so much!😍

Also thank you so much for over 400 reads on this book! I truly mean so much to me!❤️

THE MARINE IN COMBAT BOOTS. (Completed) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora