23 (Edited)

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It was just after noon and I had been editing pictures all day and most of this week, Wednesday I got my studio setup but another than that it's been nonstop editing.

And I've finally finished which is a good thing considering it's Thursday and we leave for Fiji tomorrow and we have to go shopping in about an hour when Oli gets of work.

So I decided to take a shower do my makeup and get dressed and by that time Oli had gotten off work and was waiting for me.

We decided to take the Jeep today so we headed to the mall.

"How was your day today?" Oli asked as he laced our fingers together.

"It was fine I was able to finish all my editing and now I just need to send them out to people which I think I'll be able to do on the flight tomorrow morning, but anyways how was your day?" I asked.

"It was good I'm just happy to be out of work for the next week and a half." He said.

"I know it's gonna be so much fun I can't wait," I said excitingly.

About 15 minutes later we arrived at the mall and Oli, of course, got out and opened my door for me before lacing our fingers together once again.

"So we should probably get and a few bathing suits each, maybe get you some more polos, maybe tank tops definitely shorts sandals and or flip-flops," I said as we walked into the mall.

We went into rue 21 first since you can get both guy and girl clothes.

We were able to get him a few polos and a few pairs of shorts and a couple pairs of shoes, and I got a couple of dresses.

"Let's go in h&m," I said once we walked out of rue 21.

I was able to actually get quite a bit of stuff from here like shorts some tops and a couple pairs of shoes as well.

We went into Land' for swimsuits, and we were able to get Oli like five pairs of swim shorts, and I got three one-pieces and two bikinis.

"So you know I realized that we should probably get two duffle bags and two big suitcases," Oli said.

"Oh yeah you're right, well let's get something to eat and then we can go to tj-max," I told.

"Okay sounds good what do you want?" Oli asked.

"Is Chinese good with you?" I asked.

"Yeah perfect." He responded as we started walking towards the Chinese food stand.

"Do you want to just get it to go because I want to get pretzels and we still need luggage and we have to pack tonight," I asked him.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea we can get two plates one with sushi and one with just anything else." He agreed.

We got our food and then went and got some pretzels, and then making our way out of the mall and to the car and it's now almost dark out.

We left the mall and got to tj-max. "So we need to get two duffle bags one for you and one for me and then two of the biggest suitcases we can get," Oli said as we walked in.

We found duffle bags pretty easily but suitcases proved to be a bit harder but thankfully after looking for 30 minutes we found two.

We bought everything which for just four things we spent 400 dollars.

"How was four luggage things 400 dollars?" Oli asked he wasn't very happy.

"I have no idea babe it's crazy." Because it truly was, 400 dollars really?

We loaded everything up and got in the Jeep to head back to the house.

We got back to the house like 30 minutes later, and we grabbed as many of the shopping bags as we could but we had to go back once more.

We brought everything to the bedroom after locking the front door, we put everything on the bed and since it was so late it's going on 9 we ate as we started packing.

"So we need to be out of here by 3, 3:30 at the latest, so the quicker we pack the quicker we can go to bed," Oli said.

Which it took us an hour to pack and we had finished dinner and we were taking turns in the shower.

And before we both even went to bed because we wanted to clean up around the house so we didn't have to come home to it being messy it was nearing 11.

So once we got in bed we turned the tv on and cuddled up with each other.

"I love you babygirl, goodnight," Oli said as he kissed my head.

"Goodnight Oli I love you too," I said as I kissed his neck.
A/N: Sorry this was kinda a short chapter but I'm pretty sure the next one will be longer.

Also just a heads up I'm going on a trip Sunday-Tuesday so I'll be trying to update as much as possible before then.

But yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know I say this every time but I'm loving this book so much!

I'm going to try and get chapter 24 out tonight if possible but I've been crazy busy today, and tomorrow won't be any different. And then I have my trip Sunday and won't come back till early Tuesday morning. So I apologize if I don't get a chapter out tonight but as soon as I get home on Tuesday I'll get one out for you guys.

But anyways that's enough of that.


Love you all so much!❤️

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