Chapter 19

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My goodness! Why can't I sleep? I keep tossing and turning, its not hot,so its not the heat, but I am restless. Is it knowing that Nik is just down the hallway? Is it?
Today was crazy, apart from Nik dropping his vacation to show up here, making me breakfast at dinner time, it seems like I'm getting to attracted to Nik!

It can't be right?" I think as I plump my pillow and turn on my side.. Nik was super attractive, he exuded this alpha male vibe. He didn't even have to do anything, his presence anywhere drew people to him, it said, 'here I am' but apart from the embarrassing crush when I was younger, I didn't drool over grown up Nik, till today? I wonder

Failing to get any shut eye, I throw back the covers and get out of bed. My mind was too preoccupied! Now I was thinking about Nik kissing me in the kitchen.
I scrub back my face in frustration and decide to go to the kitchen to take some water.

I walk slowly to the kitchen and I see a figure in black at the table!

I scream a blood curdling scream freaking out! I'm going to die today, oh no!

I start struggling as the figure grabs me from the back and turns me over shuffling me towards the wall, I continue yelling and suddenly, lips are slammed on mine and lights flood the kitchen. I pull my lips away, blink and see who it is.

"Nik?" I ask shocked sagging against the wall as he pulls his lips away from mine

"You were screaming so loud, that's why I kissed you" he says sheepishly.

"So you kissed me? I was scared" I say feeling tremors run down my spine either from fear or his scorching kisses.

"Are you still scared?" He asks coming closer to me as he was already close me.

"Yesss..." I say whisper breathlessly as he pins me on the wall

"Should I kiss you?" He asks smiling

"Uh huh" I say nodding my head

He pulls my waist to his and wraps his arms around my back as he leans down and kisses me. I pull him closer to me and wrap my arms around his neck. He kisses me and lifts his head to breathe but I pull him back down as he edges his hands underneath my shirt. After almost kissing till I can't breathe, I pull back and take in a deep breathe as Nik tries to hide his blushing face.

"Still scared?" He asks after a few minutes

"" I say

"I...ummm....I'm going to bed" he says walking backwards

"Okay Nik, goodnight" I say as I follow closely behind.
I hear his door shut then I go inside my bedroom and throw myself on the bed and scream into the pillow. I try to close my eyes but I keep analysing the kiss, how his lips felt, the way he touched me....
Then I eventually drift off to sleep.

I wake in the morning and find a note on my pillow. Nik says he's going to meet the lawyer and he'd come back with him.
Now all my anxiety came back....

This is a happy new year chapter...Will put the rest up later....I'm kinda on a writing break...for a little while

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