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Perhaps you dislike something which is good for you and like something which is bad for you. Allah knows and you do not know.
(Surah al Baqarah : 216 )

Luth's POV

After the guests left, Zaid's and Luth's families remained. Everyone shared congratulations and passed around a lot of sweets while chatting.

During the conversation between my dad and Omaiza, I noticed Zaid's unwavering gaze on me. I wondered if he was concerned about how Omaiza would fit in. I hope not.

Omaiza seemed lost in her thoughts, staring into the distance. I wanted to ask what was on her mind, but it didn't feel right. Yet, I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wished for her happiness just as much as my own.

"Luth!" Omar uncle called out, snapping me back. "Yes, sir?" He pulled me into a tight hug. "Omaiza is my princess. She never received her mother's love, something I couldn't provide enough of. I'm always occupied with work, and she often isolates herself in her room. The few people she trusts are me, Mahira's family, and Yasir, her stepbrother. I'm entrusting you with the most precious thing I have. Please take care of her."

"In sha Allah. I believe in Allah's will. If Omaiza is meant to be mine, then Allah will guide us. I promise you, in the name of my Lord, I'll cherish her as my wife and protect her from breaking again, In sha Allah." Tears welled in his eyes, overwhelmed by emotions. He mouthed "Barak Allahu fee" and hugged me. I meant every word I said.

As we prepared to leave, Chachu and Chachi hugged Mahira, showering their blessings upon her.

I scanned the room for Omaiza, but she was nowhere to be seen. Where could she be? I navigated through the crowd, reaching Mahira and asking her about Omaiza's whereabouts. She informed me that Omaiza was in her room. Excusing myself, I hurried upstairs.

I knocked gently on her door. "Yes, come in, please." A quiet voice invited me inside. Her room was dimly lit, with a faint light illuminating her desk. She was scribbling away until she noticed me. She closed the spiral binder, stood up, and seemed a bit flustered.

"Omaiza, are you alright?" She stammered, "Ye-yeah, I'm fine." "No need to be scared," I frowned. "I just wanted to know if you're comfortable with the nikah." I felt a surge of anxiety, waiting for her response. "I am, alhamdulillah." "I wanted to clarify something. I'm not marrying you out of pity. I genuinely have feelings for you," I said sincerely.

She gulped. "Can I ask you something?" I looked at her curiously. "Once our nikah is done, would you take me away? Far from everyone?" Her words sent a chill down my spine. I didn't want her to feel this way, as if she needed to escape. Her desperate eyes pierced through me.

"Omaiza, please don't worry. I understand it's hard to trust, but let me in," I urged. She remained silent. I couldn't blame her; none of this was her fault. I sighed, "Take care, Omaiza. In sha Allah, I'll see you soon. Assalamu alaikum." "Walaikum Salam." After our final exchange, I left her room.

I didn't know what to feel exactly. The drive back home was silent. My mind swirled with questions. Why did she want to get away? What if she wanted to escape from me? May Allah guide us to what's best.

"Hey, buddy!" Zaid nudged me. "Lost in thoughts about your future wife?" I shook my head, "Nah, not really." He hummed, "Any plans for the weekend? We're thinking of going camping. Omaiza and Mahira can join us, and we'll bring Yasir as their mahram." "Sounds like a plan! We'll need to discuss with our parents and theirs," I replied. It was a good idea; fresh air would be good for Omaiza. She deserves to spread her wings and break free from constraints.

"I'll take care of that tomorrow, In sha Allah. You can keep daydreaming," he teased. I rolled my eyes.

-Time Skip-

After performing Isha prayer, I lay on my bed. I closed my eyes, trying to relax when my phone buzzed. I groaned. Who could be calling now? I wasn't in the mood.

The name on the screen changed my mood instantly. It was Yasir!

"Assalamu alaikum," he greeted.

"Walaikum Salam. Is everything alright?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Alhamdulillah, yes," he assured. "I wanted to discuss few things."

"Great timing! Zaid and I are planning a camping trip for tomorrow. Why don't you, Omaiza, and Mahira join us? We can chat then," I suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea! I'll see you at the trip, In sha Allah," he accepted.

"Sure, see you tomorrow. Good night. Assalamu alaikum."

"Walaikum Salam," I replied, ending the call.

I hung up, settling back into my bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

-Time Skip-

I woke up for my morning prayer and sat on my prayer mat until sunrise, offering Ishraq prayer. Yasir's call around 5:30 am confirmed their participation in the trip. We planned to leave around 6-7 am to spend quality time together. I was pleased Omaiza decided to join us, although a hint of concern lingered about what Yasir might discuss. Brothers can be overprotective, after all – I knew that firsthand.

I missed my little sister, Fatimah. She now lives in Boston, a decision I wasn't thrilled about. But she insisted, and here we are. I called her.

"Assalamu alaikum, Fathoom." "Walaikum Salam, bhai," she responds enthusiastically. "How are you?" I ask. "Healthy and beautiful as always, Alhamdulillah," she replies playfully. I roll my eyes, shaking my head. "What's been happening with you? I heard you're getting married!" "Yeah, you heard right. By the way, any plans to visit soon? I'd love for you to be there for my nikah," I inquire.
"Sure thing, bhai. It'll be a nice break. I need to step away from work before I go crazy!" she exclaims. I smirk, "Isn't that ship already sailed?" Her gasp is loud, and I can't help but laugh. "Oh, excuse me, bigfoot!" "Consider yourself excused, little foot," I grin.

She groans, "Whatever. Tell me about this 'bhabhi' (sister-in-law) of yours." What's with all the teasing lately?
"You'll get to know once you're back."
"Nope, I want the details now!" I can practically hear her pout over the phone. I chuckle, "Nope, you'll meet her in person."
"Fine, I'll get you your favorite cologne!" she starts bargaining. I hum, pretending to ponder it. "Hmm... it's still a no." "Alright, I'll buy you any shirt you want," she declares. "Nice try, but you can't bribe me," I triumphantly reply. I hear her huff on the other end, and it only makes me laugh. "Luth, do you even realize how annoying you are?" she complains. "I promise I'll buy you anything once I land a job next year, I swear." "Alright, deal!"

"Finally! Now spill the beans about your future wife," she demands. "Her name is Omaiza. Her friend, Mahira, is engaged to Zaid," I begin. "Wait!!!! Zaid bhai is getting married?!" she exclaims. "What on earth? He didn't even tell me anything! I'm definitely going to give him a piece of my mind this time..." I laugh,
"Relax, Fatimah! You can unleash your fury on Zaid once I get your tickets ready. May Allah protect Zaid from your wrath." I can't help but chuckle. "Don't you dare forget, Luth," she warns. "Enough with the bhai, okay?" I retort. "By the way, we're going camping today."

"We?" she questions. "Yeah, I'm going with Omaiza, Mahira, her brother, and of course, Zaid."
"Aw, I wish I could join you guys," she says with a tinge of disappointment. "We'll plan another outing when you're back, In sha Allah." "Alright, bhai, salaam alaikum. Love you." Her unique way of expressing herself never fails to make me smile. "I'll catch up with you later. Send my love to baba and ammi!" "Love you too, Fatimah. I'll pass on the message, In sha Allah," I say with a smile. "Wa alaikum salaam."

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