-Unforgiven past -

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And be patient over what they say and avoid them with gracious avoidance.
(Surah Al Al-Muzzammil 73:10)

Omaiza's PoV

I wrapped up my journal and headed to the laundry room when the doorbell's incessant ringing caught my attention. I rushed to answer it, and there stood Luth, who immediately pulled me into a hug and sighed. I returned the gesture and asked if he was alright, sensing that something was on his mind. However, I decided not to pry, preferring to let him open up in his own time.

We had lunch together, and Luth's broad smile after tasting my biryani told me he enjoyed it. Our meal was sprinkled with light-hearted banter and easy conversation, making it feel like a delightful shared experience. Afterward, we tackled the dishes together, moving in unison as we cleaned up, the mundane task turning into a bonding moment.

As we prepared to head to our respective rooms, Luth posed a question that was both normal and slightly awkward. "Want to join me for Asr?" he asked, presenting a new aspect of our relationship. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I should share the discomfort I was already feeling. Finally, I replied, "Uhm... I can't," and thankfully, he accepted my answer, urging me to rest.

My periods were always irregular and painful, and today was no exception. The pain was intense, accompanied by strong cravings and an unusually low tolerance for spice. I suspected that the biryani might have triggered my cramps, and I found myself lying on my stomach, trying to find a position that offered some relief.

I tossed and turned, my groans growing louder. Luth's concerned voice broke through my misery. "Zawj, you okay?" he asked. At first, I hesitated to complain, not wanting to trouble him. But the pain was relentless, so I admitted, "I'm not feeling great today," clutching my abdomen for comfort.

Luth wanted to help, and I mustered the courage to ask for the heating pad. Without hesitation, he fetched it and gently applied it to my abdomen. The warmth brought some relief, and as the pain gradually lessened, I felt grateful for his presence.

I drifted off to sleep with Luth beside me, his comforting presence easing my discomfort during this challenging time. These were the moments that defined our growing connection—simple but meaningful moments of understanding and care.

The next morning, I awoke to find a note on the dining table, accompanied by breakfast under a lid. It read, "I can take care of you pretty well, Zawj. So relax and rest. Will meet you in the evening. - Your handsome husband," with a playful wink. A smile crept onto my face despite the persistent cramps I was still dealing with.

My cramps weren't as severe as yesterday, so I managed to have some toast and boiled egg salad, which surprisingly tasted quite decent. A craving for something sweet led me to the pantry, and to my delight, I found an assortment of snacks and chocolates. My happiness was further amplified when I discovered ice creams and soft drinks in the fridge. I gathered my goodies and retreated to my room, ready to indulge.

I decided to FaceTime Fatimah, with whom I had been growing closer. She frequently checked on my health and our conversations were filled with girl talk and laughter.

"Assalamu alaikum, Fatimah," I greeted her, munching on some chips.

"Walaikum salam, Bhabi," she responded with a mischievous tone. "I guess someone's getting the princess treatment," she teased.

I playfully waved off her remark. "Oh, come on."

Just as we were chatting, the doorbell rang. I glanced at the time; it was only half past eleven in the morning. I wondered who could be at the door. Luth and I only knew a few people in the apartment complex. I excused myself from the call with Fatimah, promising to get back to her.

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