- Embracing herself -

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- Just a reminder-
"People hurt you.Allah will heal
People humiliate you. Allah will magnify you.
People will judge you. Allah will justify you."

Omaiza's PoV.

The last few weeks had passed by in a blur, and I welcomed the feeling of normalcy that had settled in. It was a time when I didn't have to constantly revisit the events of the past. Life had regained its rhythm, and I found solace in its steady beat.

Yet, at times, my thoughts would playfully wander back to Ammar. How Luth and he had fought. The memory brought a pain in my heart, a reminder of the turmoil we had all endured. And I couldn't help but think about Nylaa, someone who had been dear to Ammar. I knew her loss weighed heavily on him.

In the quiet of my thoughts, I silently prayed that things would go easier for Ammar and that he would find peace and healing in his way. The past was a place where we had all suffered, and I wished for him to find his path towards a brighter future.

One evening, I received a FaceTime call from my older brother, Yasir bhai. His face appeared on the screen, and the familiar warmth in his eyes instantly put me at ease.

"Assalamu alaikum, bhai," I greeted him with a grin.

"Wa alaikum assalam, Omaiza," Yasir replied, his voice tinged with playful concern. "How's married life treating you?"

I chuckled, thinking about how much Yasir had been looking out for me since we were kids. "It's treating me well, Yasir bhai. Luth and I are adjusting, and things are good."

Yasir's expression shifted to one of genuine concern. "But you know, Omaiza, if you ever need anything or if something's bothering you, you can always talk to me. We're family, and I worry about you."

As Yasir and I continued our conversation, his concern remained palpable, just like the old days when he'd watch out for me with the protective instincts of an older brother.

"But you know, Omaiza," he continued, his tone taking a more thoughtful note, "marriage is a big step. Are you happy with Luth?"

I nodded, my heart swelling with the assurance I felt in my relationship. "Yes, brother, I am. Luth has been wonderful. We've had our share of new challenges, but we're working through them together."

Yasir's eyes softened, his concern now laced with a smile of understanding. "I'm glad to hear that, little sister. I just want you to be happy."

I couldn't help but smile back at him. "I am happy, bhai. And it means the world to me that you care."

He leaned in closer to the screen, his voice softening. "Remember, no matter where life takes you, we're always here for you."

His words resonated deeply, reminding me that while my life had taken a new direction, the bonds of family remained unbreakable.

"Oh, speaking of family," I added with pride, "I'm looking forward to Mahira's wedding, In sha'Allah. I'm related both ways."

Mahira and Zaid's wedding was just 5 weeks away, and the anticipation filled me with excitement. This time when I visit India, things would be different, and I couldn't wait to attend the wedding, share in the joy, and create new memories with my extended family. In sha'Allah, the future held beautiful moments for us all.

Yasir bhai's message arrived, hinting at plans that involved both Luth and me. Confusion clouded my thoughts as Asma Aunty, Uncle Muhammad, and my dearest Mahira mysteriously gathered around, seemingly privy to a shared secret.

"Let's get Luth on a conference call," they proposed. To my surprise, Luth's voice chimed in, already on the line with his family. I felt a strange mixture of anticipation and exclusion as the conversation unfolded.

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