-A Promise of Forgiveness-

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It pleases Allah, and the person controlling their anger is rewarded. The Prophet (PBUH) said,

"If anyone suppresses anger when he is in a position to give vent to it, Allah, the exalted, will call him on the Day of Resurrection and ask him to choose from the rewards offered."

Luth's POV

I had been engrossed in work when my phone rang, startling me. Omaiza's voice trembled as she gasped for air, "Luth, please, you...". Panic surged through me as the call abruptly ended. My attempts to call her back went unanswered.

I rushed to Adam, desperate to explain. "Adam, I need to leave now. Something's wrong with Omaiza. Please, wrap things up for me." My voice quivered with worry.

That's when the chilling audio message arrived—Omaiza's terrified screams and desperate pleas. And then, the call from him.

"You owe me, Luth, and I've taken something precious from you," he snarled, venom lacing every word. "But this won't be enough, mate. Don't even think of anything stupid; you know me too well."

"Don't you dare hurt her, Ammar! Wallahi, I won't spare you!" I yelled, but he hung up, leaving me in a frenzy.

I knew Ammar's capabilities, and I couldn't bear to imagine what he might do to Omaiza. I dashed out of the office and raced to my apartment. The thought of calling the police for Omaiza's safety crossed my mind, but I hesitated.

I rang the doorbell, anxiety gnawing at me.

"Look who we have here," Ammar sneered as he opened the door. I didn't have time for his games.

"Cut the act. Where is Omaiza?" I demanded, pushing past him.

"Luth, let her be. We have things to clear," he said, closing the door behind me.

Ignoring his words, I checked the rooms and found her in my study. I rushed to unlock the door for her. She clung to me, tears streaming down her face. "I was scared, Luth. I...I was really scared," she sobbed.

"Shhh, it's alright, Zawj. I'm here now...shh," I consoled her. But Ammar forcefully pulled us apart.

"Stop this fake drama, you both!" he spat and threw a punch that connected with my face, pushing Omaiza to the side.

"Luth!!!" Omaiza screamed in horror.

"Stay there, Omaiza. I'm fine," I assured her, pointing towards her, my face throbbing with pain.

"So, what do you want, Ammar?" I asked, trying to regain my balance.

"What do I want? Seriously?" He launched another punch, which I narrowly dodged. But he tricked me, striking my stomach. I couldn't let Omaiza see this.

"How could you do that to Nylaa, Luth?" He hissed through clenched teeth.

"What did I do to her? I barely knew her, Ammar!" I protested, trying to keep my composure.

"That stupid girl had only eyes for you, Luth, even when I tried to talk her out of it, she didn't budge."

"Ammar, I swear I have no idea!" I pleaded, approaching him to calm him down.

"Even in the end, before she took her life, she mentioned you, Luth!" He punched me again, sending me crashing to the floor.
Ammar's anger burned hot, and I could sense the danger in his eyes. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a gleaming knife, its blade catching the light.

With a sinister grin, he asked, "Luth, if I hurt Omaiza, will we be even?" The knife glinted ominously.

Rage surged through me, and I couldn't stand by any longer. I had faced Ammar in fights before; he taught me well. I lunged at him, my fists flying.

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