{Chapter 20}

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You had been a wreck for weeks, or maybe it was months? Either way it seemed like an eternity- an eternity of depression and longing, but betrayl as well. You were currently sitting in the cold, freezing rain, letting it beat down on you from the dark heavens. Thunder clasped through the night sky, momentarily illuminating it your face. Your [eye color] orbs that were once full of fire were now dull with depression. You had seen Toby here and there, but neither exchanged a word.

"Child." The gentle voice stirred you from your thoughts and you looked up at him.

"Y-Yes, Mr. Slenderman, sir?" you asked, the cold rain causing your voice to quiver. He offered his white hand, looking at you gently. You looked at the extended hand before slowly reaching up and taking it. You looked almost scared to take it. Lately, you had become standoffish and very quiet. The fire in your eyes were gone, and along with the spark that you had in your personality.

You looked up at him before taking his hand shakily. He brought you inside and walked into the house. When you two entered, Toby was waiting inside, and in his hands was a white, fluffy towel. Your [eye color] orbs looked up into his dark brown ones. Slowly, you hugged him, closing your eyes tightly. You could feel tears build up behind your eyelids, but you had been trying to stop the tears lately. Toby slowly held you, and whispered into your ear, "Hey, it's all okay. I'm not going to let you go again."

You two let yourself go limp into his arms, causing him to pick you up bridal style and carry you into his room. He held you against his chest, slowly whispering relaxing words into your ear while walking you back and forth. You had slowly broken down into whimpers and soft cries. He said nothing of your crying state, though, knowing that you hated having people see you in this vulnerable state. After what seemed like hours of sitting in his lap, you slowly gazed into his caring eyes. "I don't know what to say..." you muttered, glancing down before glancing back up.

"You don't have to say anything," he whispered back, holding your hand. You couldn't help but blush at how soft his hands were, and how he held yours so tenderly. His hand would quiver a little here and there, but you couldn't help but think that it was reassuring. You looked up at him. His redwood eyes glanced down at your lips and then your eyes. He then bit your lip. You were internally screaming, because you found it so cute to the extent that it was driving you crazy all over again. The brunette leaned closer to you so that his lips brushed against yours. "You drove me crazy when I couldn't talk to you." Your eyes flicked up at him, and as he gently stroked your [hair color] locks, you felt butterflies in your stomach.

"T-Toby..." was all that you could muster to say through all of the emotion that was running through your mind.

What about Jeff? Did you still love him? But what he did was unforgivable, but, why did you want to tell him that everything alright? Why did you want to tell him that you wanted him to never let you go? But, then there was Toby. You could never get him off of your mind while you were with Jeff. Did you have feelings for him, too? If not, then why would you be feeling this way? That has to mean something, right?

Toby's lips were brushing against yours over and over again, as if teasing you until you would finally give into the temptation. You couldn't, though. You just sat there in shock, your [eye color] orbs wider than they ever had been before. You couldn't process what he was doing, or what was going through that head of his. "[Nam]-." Your eyes shot up to see Jeff standing in the doorway. His hands were gripping the door-nob, which caused them to turn a new white color. His black hair was overshadowing his face, but the only thing that would make his emotions show was the deep growl that was erupting from his throat. "I'm sorry to interrupt," he mumbled with clenched teeth before walking out.;

"J-Jeff!" You tried to stand, but your wrist was snatched.

"[N-Name]! Let him be and stay with me!" You looked back at him, biting your lip in uncertainty.

"I-I need to see what is going on," you whispered, giving him a hug before dashing out the door. You dashed through the hallway, seeing the hooded man. "J-Jeff!" you called. He turned to you, and his blue eyes widened. He seemed momentarily frozen before spinning on his heel and running off. His thunderous footsteps were echoing through the house that seemed to be silent since your depression had started. "Jeff! Jeff!" You continued to scream his name, but he ignored your calls and pleas, Multiple eyes (or people who didn't have eyes but still had their magic and mystical gifts to help them see) watched you two. Jeff slammed the door behind him, and you ran out into the outside. The rain was pounded against everything that it could reach. Your skin and [hair length] [hair color] locks became drenched once more, but you couldn't stop. No, you knew what you had to do.

And you weren't going to let anyone or anything stop

(A/N: Hey, guys. I am so sorry that I haven't been updating as much. I'll try to keep updating. I am so happy that you all have been continuing to show your support, and I can't thank you enough. It actually motivated me to write this chapter. I love you all. Thank you so much. ^^. You have absolutely no idea how much that this means to me. I didn't think that so many people would enjoy reading my ideas, and it means so much to me. I hope that you all like what is coming up. Okay, time to relax, since it is almost half-past eleven at night.DO NOT BE LIKE ME, CHILDREN XD. Okay, night!)

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat