{Chapter 5}

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You examined the knife; it was truly stunning. The handle was a dark oak wood that was smoothed so that it was as slick as the ice on a frozen pond. There were places on the blade where the material changed from iron, to steel, to silver, and back to iron. The blade was probably about five inches at least with a single name carved on the shining metal. 'JEFF' it read with an elegant curved line underneath. Blood stained certain parts of the knife, while the other parts were abnormally clean. "Huh, guess this means that he was named Jeff... Could he be a killer like me?" you asked out loud. In response, [pet name] nuzzled her wet nose into your palm that hung from your bedside.

You smiled and patted your bed for her to jump onto. She happily complied and laid beside you. "Now, I can finally get some sleep. I doubt that he has any other knives since this one has been repaired so many times." The young wolf gently licked your [skin tone] cheek, causing you to giggle happily. "Let's sleep," you smiled tiredly before finally drifting to sleep.


Jeff growled at the faceless boss who stood in front of him. "If you want her so dead, why don't you fucking killer!?" he yelled, anger boiling into the pale face of the pissed off man, excuse my French. His four-legged companion stood behind the doorway, whimpering at Jeff's angered state,

"You don't understand, Jeffer-," Slenderman began, but was cut off. (Get it? CUT off? No, oh, okay..)

"You are an idiot!!" he shouted and stomped out, slamming the door behind him. The smiling man and his dog friend walked through the woods, a growl coming from his throat as he punched trees along the way. Although he was trying to make each scene fearful and scary, each time he stopped and punched, it only looked strange. He had his stained white hoodie up, hiding his carvings on his face. Smile hated to see the black haired savior in such a mood; his smile made it much more frightening to him. A single whimper was what brought Jeff back to his senses. He slowly turned towards the red husky, who was hiding behind a nearby tree. His ears were bent down in fear and he shook fearfully. It was exactly how Jeff had found him; shaken; fearful; vulnerable.

"Now now.. it's okay," he tried to soothe, kneeling and extending his hand slowly. At a turtle's pace, the companion walked out and snuggled into his arms. A small smile graced over his already smiling face. "Don't worry, buddy," he hummed gently, petting his fur. "I won't hurt you. Ever." A crack of lightning shot across the sky and thunder followed, making the night seem more dramatic. "Wait.." Jeff mumbled, leaning closer to a figure in the distance that the lightning had momentarily lit up, however, is was too brief to recognize it. The large dog tilted his head curiously, unsure what his best friend meant. After about three minutes of sitting in silent down pour, another, longer streak of lighting fell from the heavens. There, only a few yards away stood a log cabin. 'Not just any log cabin,' he thought angrily. 'It belongs to that bitch that kicked the shit out of me and took my knife.' Jeff nodded as he put his hand on his hi[, where his weapon was usually located.

"Let's go get it back," he stated, advancing towards the small house.

Little did he know, that the lightning that led him to his best blessing would also take it away.

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now