{Chapter 8}

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It had been two weeks since you had agreed to become Slender's proxy. However, he had allowed you to spend the required amount of time to rest and heal.. which happened to be two weeks. You and [Pet's Name] made a stronger relationship, as well as your other animal friends. Okay, okay. Maybe you slacked and took a bit more time than you needed to heal up, but potato potato, right? Slenderman and the others (except Jeff, that is) welcomed you back with open arms, which made you feel loved.

So, anyway, you were currently in Toby's room, hanging head first off of his unmade bed. "Tooobbbbyyy!!" you whined childishly. "I'm boooooorrrrreedd!!" You never said you were a mature person. People just got that impression at first.

Toby didn't seem to be paying attention, since his eyes were glued to his computer and he only mutter, "Yeah, huh, interesting..." You didn't appreciate this very much, so you got down on all fours and began crawling to his chair silently and spider-like. The sucker never saw it coming. With one strong tug, you pulled Toby's computer chair backwards, causing him to tumble.

You then proceeded to carry out your mission, Operation: Figure-Out-What-Toby-Is-Looking-At-So-I-Can-Tease-Him-and-He'll-Pay-Attention-to-Me.

'I'll come up with a shorter code later,' you shrugged to yourself as you jumped up and started scrolling to see what he was looking at.

"Nooo!!" the brunette called out dramatically, but it was too late.

"SAO LEMONS!?" you screeched, face going red. You looked to see Toby looking down like a guilty puppy. You couldn't help but giggle, which soon turned into full-out laughter. Now it was his turn to blush.

"I-It's not funny!" he pouted, which made him even more adorable. His twitches didn't help your thoughts. You sat by him and gently ran your hands through his hair, something you knew he loved, He blushed darker but leaned closer into your touch, acting like a baby wolf.

"Sorry for interrupting," a cold, gruff voice broke the comfortable silence. Your [lip color] lips twisted into a irritated and disgusted frown. "but [Name] has to go shopping for her room. Slender likes to make sure that your room is a comfortable domain for you to retire to at the end of the night." You stood, refusing to make eye contact with the smiling killer.

"Fine. Let's go, Toby," you spoke nonchantly as you walked past Jeff and out the door. A pale hand shot out and grabbed your [skin toned] wrist.

"The orders are to go with me." Your heart froze. You two stood like this, backs to each other and his hand gripping your wrist.

"No. . . no no, please. . ." you whimpered to yourself. "I should ask him why he wanted me to go with... you." You spit the word out like you tasted something fowl and bitter. You tried to pull away, but Jeff wasn't having that. He is grip tightened on your wrist, causing you to wince in pain. He then pulled you so you twisted towards him, your faces only inches apart. Your [eye color] orbs met with the incredibly dark blue pair.

"You really want to interrupt the boss? He is really focused on his paperwork, and if you interrupt him, you are sure for an ass-kicking." This new information made you pause. You were new to the family, and you didn't want to get on bad relations already. You knew how fathers could be if you upset them. You shivered at the thought and looked over at [Pet's Name] and Toby, who were eating popcorn and wearing 3D glasses. They nodded vigorously and motioned for you to go with him.

Exhaling a sigh of defeat, you started walking, pulling away from Jeff's grip. "Hurry up.. I don't want to be gone for that long," you stated in an emotionless voice. Half an hour passed and you two weren't even out of the endless-like woods; silence draped over you two and you two looked away.

". . . Why are you a killer?" he asked quite suddenly. You froze, your blood freezing. Memories began to flood through your mind and you pulled the hood of your [favorite color] hoodie over your face. You stopped in your tracks, which made Jeff to look back at you. "Hey, slowpoke. I thought that you wanted to hurry up and get back home." You looked up at him, your eyes now dull. He slowly walked to you. "[Name]..?" he asked, slowly extending your hand. you grabbed your knife and stabbed at it. The black haired male tried to pull back, but the knife was quicker and slit his skin open. He hissed in pain and fell back.

You cackled and stood above him, tilting your head to the side slowly. "You shouldn't have done that." You then looked over to see the streets of the town coming up. With an insane grin, you dashed towards it, laughing like a maniac.

You're a Sharp One (Jeff the Killer X Female! Killer! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now