{Chapter 18}

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You were currently under the single tree that was in your backyard, coloring in a coloring-book. "Big sissy!" a young childish voice spoke joyously. You turned to her; your [hair color] locks were shorter than they were now.

"Huh? What's up, [Sister Name]?" you asked gently. She held up a scene from her coloring-book that she had splattered a very colorful scene.

"I made it for you!" Her cheerful smile made your [lip color] lips turn into a gentle smile. You engulfed her in a hug, and she returned it. However, it soon turned into a tickle fight, full of squeals and laughter. "Sis, please!" [Sister's Name] kept pleading.

"Never!" you jokingly cackled as your tickled her stomach more. She rolled and withered, tears falling from her eyes that were the same color in yours, only with a calming blue hint while yours had a red hint. After a while, you two just rolled onto the grass, feeling the summer breeze gently travel over the grass and over your bodies.

"Sissy?" your sister asked with a cute yawn.

"What's up, [Sister's Name]?" She snuggled and curled up by you.

"I've been having the nightmares, again. So much fire. . ." Her eyes were tearing up and she began to whimper. You hugged her gently.

"Sis," you cooed gently. "I'll always protect you. Nothing bad will ever happen to you. I promise."

You were walking in the pouring rain, the memory of the fight you and your drunk father had just moments before. Your black hoodie was getting drenched as the rain slowly came down harder and harder. You were walking the circle around your town, thinking over and over. Your mother was probably sitting in your sister's room with the door shut, trying to convince her that everything would be alright. You growled at the thought.

Your father had been working more and more, and when he'd get home, he would plop on the couch and start drinking beer after beer. He would then get attitude and become more of a jerk. You had had enough tonight, and tried to get him to stop. However, it only lead to a heated argument and you slamming the door behind you. You needed some time to cool off, but thinking about it over and over wasn't helping. You wish that this night hadn't happened. You were coming to the end of your walk when you saw something in the distance. It was a slight glow. . . but how could that be? It was well past nine at night. Then your eyes slowly widened in horror.

"N-No." You started to sprint, your black hoodie falling off of your head. By the time you got there, your [hair length] [hair color] locks were soaking. Your house was ablaze in fire, and all you could do was watch. Salty tears fell down your [skin tone] skin. There was no sound from within.

Sirens began to ring in the background, and panic filled your senses. If they found you in front of the burning building, then they'd surely think you responsible for it. You began to sprint off towards the woods that you and your sister would play all the time years ago.

The next day came, and you bought a newspaper, looking for a certain article. You froze up when you found it, not sure if you wanted to know what they thought. You needed to know, though, and you began to read.

Yesterday at 9:17 P.M., authorities received an anonymous tip that the [Last Name]s' house had suddenly burst into flames. The bodies of [Mother's Name] and [Father's Name] [Last Name] were found, both obviously burned to death. [Sister's Name] [Last Name]'s body was gone without a trace, along with her sister's. It is thought that the elder sister, [First Name] [Last Name], kidnapped her sister and set fire to the house while her father was asleep from drinking too much and her mother was locked in her younger daughter's room. More to develop on this story.

You stared at the short paragraph that was full of assumptions; besides it was a picture of you. Whispers were exchanged as people looked from their newspaper and back at you. You slowly left, and that began your life as you knew it today.

You awoke with a start, tears in your eyes. You had been trying to suppress the memories for about five years now. "Mmm, babe?" You turned to see Jeff sit up from your bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His black hair was more spiky and messy than usual, and it made a small smile on your face. His husky chuckle escaped from his lips. "Like what you see?" You blushed deeply and turned away. You slowly felt two strong arms wrap around you and pull into his cold chest.

"I-I had the dream again," you whispered shakily. Silence and tension filled the air momentarily

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for," you whispered once more, leaning on him. He went silent and held you closer to him, which caused you to giggle and snuggle closer.

"I won't let anymore things like that happen to you, ever." He kissed your head. "I promise."

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the delay on the update! I had family, then a belt test, and a lot of school, but it's no excuse for making you guys wait. You've done so much and it was super unfair of my to take so long. The story is still going strong, and don't worry about it getting discontinued *knocks on wood*, because I have the next part ready and it will blow you away! Love you guys!)

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