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"You alright darlin'? You've been quite quiet all day." Henry asked.

Looking to his granddaughter on the couch, he couldn't help but frown. She was laid across the couch with her grandmothers quilt atop of her and Daisy laying at her feet. Her eyes stared dead at the tv and the only movement in her was her soft breathing. She had been so quiet and even when she got up, she awkwardly trudged. It worried him. What had happened while she was gone for the night?

"Sophie." Henry verbally nudged.

Sophie looked to her grandfather, having no clue that he was even talking to her. "Huh?"

"Are you feeling okay? You've been acting off." Henry asked once more.

Sophie rolled on to her back and rubbed the heels of her palms into her eyes. "I'm fine. I think I might've just gotten sick."

"So you had fun with Delilah?"

Sophie sighed as she nodded. She couldn't find any words to answer that. There was no way a verbal yes was gonna fall off her tongue. She wanted to tell him that they're all liars and supernatural beasts. Cortez, Jeremiah, Delilah, all the strangers they've ever let in their home. Besides, Mabel and Henry's friends. Hopefully.

"I think I need a bath." Sophie muttered as she threw the blanket off of her.

Henry nodded and watched his granddaughter hug herself as she shuffled off. Daisy followed Sophie up the stairs and towards the bathroom. Sophie turned on the bath faucet and put her hand under the stream to feel the running water against her skin. All she wanted to do was appreciate the fact that she could touch things, see things, hear things.

There was a strange feeling deep inside her, screaming that she should appreciate these things because she almost lost them. She almost died. She could feel it.

Sophie sat in the bath with her eyes closed as she focused on taking slow and deep breaths. Daisy sat beside the bathtub, quietly whining over and over again. Sophie sighed and popped one eye open to look at the needy golden retriever. It was a bit odd. Daisy was usually always by her grandfathers side but, since she got home, Daisy hadn't left her side.

There was something eery about Daisy's sudden clinginess. Couldn't dogs smell stuff like cancer, anxiety attacks, and seizures and stuff? Having Daisy stick to her like glue made Sophie wonder if she was doomed but didn't know it. If she was doomed, she'd curse Cortez until the very end. This was all his fault, he admitted that himself.

"Why didn't you warn me, huh?" Sophie narrowed her eyes at Daisy, who simply sat and panted. "You knew they were part dog, didn't you? You didn't feel like sharing that information beforehand?"

Daisy huffed and stepped closer to sniff Sophie's arm that rested on the edge of the tub. Sophie looked at her arm, exactly where the bite mark was. Luckily, the human teeth marks had faded but the two puncture holes stayed prominent in her skin. Sophie groaned and let her head fall back against the tub.

"You're not trying to tell me I'm part dog as well, right?" Sophie pouted.

Daisy simply sniffed the bite mark again. Sophie pulled her arm off the tub and let them both sink into the warm water. She gently splashed water over the mark and ran her fingers over it. The spot was a little sore and her skin around it was hot still. She silently prayed that it wasn't true. She hoped it was just a psycho who believed he was a werewolf but actually wasn't, because they didn't exist.

Maybe they were all psychos. Maybe it was a cult. They were all mentally ill and convinced themselves that they were werewolves. But then... How did she explain the fact that she saw Cortez shift from wolf to human right in front of her? It was as if there was a light that flickered and suddenly, he went from four legs to two. It wasn't even a physical transition. How?

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