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Very rarely did it get as cloudy and windy during the summer as it was today. Sophie hated how gloomy it was. And throughout the day, it only got worse. By the time Sophie finished having dinner with her grandfather and was finishing up some homework, it was pouring rain outside.

The raindrops were large and violently pelting the windows, causing the noise to echo throughout the house. And then came thunder, which Sophie hated even more.

The worse part was when Sophie was cleaning up after dinner and there was a strike of lightning outside. It must've hit a tree because, along with the thunder, there was a crack. In reaction to the flash in the window and the loud crackling and thunder, Sophie screamed and jumped in fear.

On reflect, she went to cover her ears from the noise but with a glass in hand, she accidentally dropped it. The glass fell into the sink full of water, colliding with another glass, and they both shattered.

"You alright, darlin'?" Henry yelled with so much worry in his voice at the sound of her scream and glass shattering. Daisy was already up and trotting into the kitchen with her tail and ears up, obviously in high alert for any danger.

Sophie rested her hands on the edge of the sink and took a deep breath. Her eyes fell to Daisy, who was sniffing her leg and looking up at her. "I'm fine, I'm fine. It just scared me."

"What'd you break?" Henry asked.

"Our tall glasses." Sophie frowned.

Sophie could hear her grandfathers chair in the living room creak against the floor as he got up. "Let me get it, darlin'. I don't want you cutting yourself."

Sophie leant back to peek past the kitchen doorway, looking through the foyer and into the living room. Henry was already out of his seat but hadn't made it out of the living room yet.

"No! Chief, you sit. I'm a big girl. I can handle some glass." Sophie waved her grandfather off and returned to the sink.

"Sophie, if you hurt yourself.." Henry grumbled as he returned to his chair, not able to stand for too long.

Sophie cut him off before he could continue. "I know, I know. Don't worry about me."

Sophie carefully picked up the big pieces of wet glass and tossed them into the trash one at a time. It was going really well for a while, under there was another violent crash of thunder. Sophie simply squealed and squeezed her eyes shut this time, trying her best not to be a complete mess every single time. She just hated storms. They made her heart race and her body tremble. She didn't like back danger literally all around her.

The feeling of something warm dripping off of Sophie's pinky made her open her eyes again. She watched as a red drop of liquid fell off the top of her pinky and landed on a clear piece of glass in the sink that made more blood on it. Turning her hand over, she noticed she had a small gush on the outside of her palm. It wasn't out of control but enough to continuously drip and start to throb.

And she even told her grandfather she'd be alright.

Sophie carefully reached for a paper towel and held it against her hand. She was careful in leaving the kitchen and not being caught by her grandfather as she went to search for their bandaids in the bathroom. Daisy followed and sat in the bathroom doorway as Sophie searched until the bathroom sink. When she found the small first aid kit, she tore it open and searched for a sizable bandaid to cover the gash.

It was slightly difficult to put the bandaid on her hand since she usually used two hands to apply a bandaid. The throbbing was getting worse, adding to the pain of the cut, but it wasn't too bad. Sophie wasn't suffering and she wasn't all that grossed out by blood or anything. Like she said, she was a big girl. She may be small but that didn't take anything away from her.

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