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The first day that Cortez was gone, everything was as calm and quiet and still as usual. Sophie did as she usually did. She cooked breakfast for her grandfather, rode the bus to school, and came home the same way. She made lunch, did her homework, bathed, and went to bed. It was just as it always was despite the hint of distance Sophie felt in her heart.

The feeling didn't make much sense to Sophie. It felt as if there was a string connecting her and Cortez and as he got further away, she grew gloomier. Maybe it was just in her head. Maybe she just missed him and she wouldn't even feel this way if she hadn't known he was leaving. Like the placebo effect.

That's it, Sophie thought, you're only sad because you're convincing yourself you are.

On the second day that Cortez was gone, Sophie's morning started off the same. She made breakfast and ate with her grandfather while Daisy ran around outside. It didn't take long for her to clean up and gather her things to catch the bus. But that's when something strange happened. Strange. In this small middle-of-nowhere town, something truly strange happened.

As the bus pulled away from Sophie's house, she spotted shadows moving in the open field surrounding her house. She looked out the window to see four large wolves running adjacent to the school bus through the field. A smile instantly spread across Sophie's face as she watched the wolves slowly grow closer, their speed matching the speed of the bus.

They were usually running along the tree line but the fact that they were this close made her think they knew she was inside the bus. Sophie was amazed that the wolves could keep up for so long. They're bodies were big, legs stretched out long, and fur blowing in the wind of their speed. They weren't so scary like this. She felt like they were keeping her company. It was heartwarming, actually.

"What the hell?" A senior in one of the front rows of the bus muttered as he pulled an earbud out of his ear.

There were only four other students on the bus but at his quizzical matter, they all scooted towards the left of the bus to see what was so shocking. Sophie smiled as all the students watched the wolves run along side the bus. There was a sense of pride welling inside her do some reason. Maybe because she knew they were Cortez's wolves and she was happy to know that they knew her. She also liked having her fellow classmates marvel at the wolves like they were. They deserved it.

The wolves followed the bus all the way to the school. Of course, they still kept their distance. The bus pulled into the parking lot and Sophie hurried to get around the big vehicle to see if the wolves were still there. They were. Right across from the front of the high school, multiple soccer fields took up the empty space there. And in the middle of the closest soccer field stood four large wolves all sauntering around each other.

The four wolves had caught some of the students attention as they arrived. Sophie happily smiled at the wolves and shot her hand in the air to wave at them. Everyone watched Sophie do so and then watched the wolves sit in unison. Sophie shook her head and waved her hand in the opposite direction of the come hither motion, silently telling them to go home. The four wolves got up and trotted casually back in the direction they came.

"I didn't know Sophie was a wolf whisperer." One of her fellow juniors snorted a laugh.

"No wonder she lives in the middle of nowhere with just her grandfather. They're freaks." Another laughed.

"I bet one of her wolves bit someone and that's why they live so secluded. They legally can't be within a hundred yards of other humans." A third joked.

The first Junior gasped and nudged their friends. "I bet that's true! I can see it now!"

"Remind me to never go to Sophie's. Not like I ever intended on it. I'd probably die of boredom, just look at her personality."

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