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Sophie opened her mouth to ask another question but was cut off by the phone ringing loudly through the kitchen. Cortez turned towards the sound and spotted a home phone hung up on the wall. He had assumed Sophie called him with her phone but now that he thought about it, this made more sense. The house was old and Sophie didn't seem like the type to have her own smart phone. She must've called him from that.

"Hello?" Sophie chimed, her eyes landing on Cortez. She held his stare as he casually relaxed in his chair, his muscular arms crossing over his broad chest.

"Hello, darlin'. Did you miss your Chief?" Henry grinned.

A smile spread across Sophie's face as she listened to his rigid, old voice. "Of course. Are you having fun there? Have you met friends? Have they already convinced you to stay there forever?"

"I am having fun. I have made friends. The people here are very nice and so are the nurses. It is very, very nice here." Henry reassured.

"Well, I can only be so happy for you, to be honest. I wish you were home, reading in your favorite chair and chuckling to yourself." Sophie admitted.

Cortez couldn't help but smile at that. She really did cherish him, more than anyone would know or understand. Even something as simply as his laughter while readying a book made her happy. Cortez was proud to have a mate so genuine and caring like Sophie. She was really special.

"I'll come home, don't worry, darlin'. Although, I did call you to let you know that I'll be staying for dinner. I reckon it would be easier to eat here so you don't have to cook." Henry said.

Sophie sighed. "I'll have to cook for myself, anyways. But it's alright as long as you're having fun. Don't let them trap you there."

"Okay. Eat well, Sophie. I've got to go. They've just laid out a new puzzle."

Sophie giggled and said her farewells before hanging up the phone. She smiled to herself for a moment before the sadness kicked in again. It was good that her grandfather was having fun but she didn't want him to have too much fun without her. Selfishly, she wanted him to hate it there and like it better at home with his granddaughter. Couldn't he be as bitter as everyone else's grandfather and refuse to ever leave the house?

"How is he?" Cortez's low, rough voice interrupted Sophie's train of thought.

"He says he's enjoying himself. He also said he's staying for dinner which means I'll be eating alone." Right as she said that, she looked up at Cortez with her mouth open, already prepared to ask.

Before she even said anything, Cortez was knowingly nodding. He had a handsome smirk plastered on his face as he stared at her. "I'll eat with you." He agreed.

Sophie felt blushy again. "Will you?" Cortez nodded once more. "Oh no! You can't! Your parents are leaving. You should say goodbye in person. I shouldn't keep you here."

"They don't mind." Cortez shrugged.

"That's ridiculous! Of course, they mind. You're their son and they were staying at your house. You should go home and eat with them before they leave." Sophie insisted.

"Sophie." Cortez held her stare, trying his best to convey his sincerity. "I want to eat dinner with you. Don't worry about my parents."

Sophie sighed and decided to give up. Cortez knew his parents better than she did. Maybe they truly didn't care or would be back tomorrow anyways. Either way, Sophie wasn't going to stress about it. All she had to worry about was the fact that she was going to eat dinner with Cortez. Alone. Just the two of them. She had to make something delicious.

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