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This morning in the Carter house started like any other morning. Sophie got up and let Daisy out to the backyard before making breakfast. Henry shuffled down the stairs and sat in the kitchen as Sophie let Daisy back in again. They were relatively quiet in the mornings since it was so early and they were so tired.

"Hey darlin'." Henry hesitantly started as he played with the oatmeal in his bowl with his spoon. Sophie stared at him and waited for him to continue. "You don't mind if I go visit that assisted living place, now do ya?"

Henry finally looked up from his oatmeal and to his granddaughter, terrified to see any sign of hurt in her eyes. Sophie was expressionless as she thought over his question. She wondered why he would ask her. He was a grown man. He could do whatever he'd like. What if she said no? It's not like she had the power to say no. She couldn't trap him here.

Sophie dropped her eyes to own bowl of oatmeal and shrugged. "You're just visiting or apartment hunting?"

A sad smile pulled at Henry's lips. "Just visiting. For now."

Sophie nodded. A moment of silence went by. "Will you be back by the time I am?"

"No. Mabel offered to take me and she works at the food market until four so that's when I'll be leaving. You'll have the evening to yourself."

Why did Sophie suddenly have the urge to roll her eyes. Yeah, a whole evening to myself with nobody around and nothing but silence. Sophie grumbled to herself. She didn't like being alone here. It was deafeningly quiet. But she couldn't bare to stop him. If he wanted to go then he should go.

"That's fine." Sophie said as she got up and rinsed her plate off in the sink. Henry carefully watched her do so before she stepped behind his chair and planted a kiss on his cheek. "As long as you're safe and you have fun, I don't mind."

And with that, Sophie trotted up the stairs to get ready for school.

School was boring. As usual.

When Sophie came back, she got to eat lunch with her grandfather and chat with him before Mabel showed up to take him away. Sophie said her farewells as Mabel helped Henry into the car. She went back inside and tore out all her homework in the silence, Daisy being the only living thing in the house that kept her company. Daisy's presence wasn't much since she was asleep on the floor.

Sophie tried to get through as much homework as possible, letting the minutes slowly pass. The house was deafeningly quiet. Usually, Sophie enjoyed the silence and found it rather soothing and peaceful, but this was too quiet. This was why she didn't want Henry to leave her. She may have liked the quietness but she didn't like the loneliness.

Sophie's eyes drifted in boredom and suddenly landed on the phone hanging on the wall. Call me anytime, Sophie. I don't care if you just need help on a math question for school. Sophie rapidly tapped her pencil against her notebook as she stared at that phone. She could call Cortez. But did she really want to? Did she have to? Would he be busy? It was only four thirty. He was probably still at work.


"These recent reports are lacking." Cortez's father, Antonio, spoke lowly as he took the paper on top of the pile in his hand and tucked it in the back. He looked at Cortez over the top of the papers. "You've been busy lately?"

Cortez scratched the back of his neck and avoided eye contact. "Something has more recently required my attention, yes."

"A mate?" His mother, Maria, beamed happily as she turned to her son. Cortez fought a smile, which failed miserably. Maria's eyes widened as she reached for her sons arm. "Cortez, did you really find your mate? When? How? Where is she? Tell me all about her!"

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