Chapter 19

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I snuck out of the house in the middle of the night, just as I had discussed with Shiva. I have to hurry down the mountain as quickly as I can in the darkness of night, because I know that once it turns light out my friends will have woken up and come after me.

I have to be out of the mountain before that happens.
Somehow, against all odds, I make it off the mountain before sunrise. Here's where the scar part of the plan takes place.

I sit and wait, knowing that the Demons will find me soon enough, and wait for them to take me away. When they finally come to me there are about ten of them, and I realize that this is my last chance to turn back. I can't. This is the only way to keep them all safe. I have to do this. I let two of them grab me by the arms. I let another one hit me upside the head. I let myself fall into unconsciousness.


When I wake up I'm in a room. A bedroom. The door is locked and I'm all alone. I don't know why but I had expected the Demons to live somewhat less...humanly.

I half wanted them to live in a cave or something so I didn't have to think of them as humans at all. I'm taken out of my thoughts by the door handle moving. A Demon walks in, followed by five others. Them come toward me quickly, and I can see their intention.

"Don't knock me out!" I can see that I've surprised them. They didn't expect me to speak to them so directly.

"I won't hurt you, I promise. But please don't hit me again."

To my surprise they actually listened to me. Instead they just blindfolded me and took me by the arms again. Down a staircase, left turn, right turn, and finally we stopped. We were in an office, facing a desk.

Behind the desk was a surprising figure. A man. He wasn't a Demon, in fact it was almost like he was the leader over all of the Demons, but he wasn't one himself.

"Mara." he says to me. "Back off." he says to the Demons on my arms.
"Sorry about that. Just a precaution. But I'm sure that's not needed anymore, seeming as you come to us willingly from what I'm told. Why is that? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"I'm sick of running" I say honestly, "I'm sick of my friends being hurt. But since you have me, you have no need to hurt anyone else anymore, right?"

"True. We don't need them. What we need is you. With your help we can take control over everything. Over the Normal world, and eventually even over the Transcendents."

He was practically bursting with excitement with just the idea of it all. He got a faw away look in his eyes, like he was dreaming of the possibilities. Then he turned back on me and said,

"Prove it."

"Excuse--excuse me? Prove what?" I ask completely confused.

"Prove that you have the power that I've been searching for."

I do just that. I bring out the purple ribbons and set them on the form of this leader. Aiming all of my energy into killing him. But he just stands there. What? What's happening? I hear the two Demons in the back of the room that brought me here drop to the floor, dead.

"Oh, Darling, you didn't actually think I would put myself in the room with you, did you?"

It's all an Illusion, I realize.

"You're perfect," he says, "without you we could never have enough ability to take over, but with you on our side we will. We can have everything. I can tell by your little display that you're no longer willing, but it doesn't really matter anymore. We have you, and we have our ways of bringing out your Pain."

The leader is smiling so hard, grinning over all of the power he thinks he will have because of me. He doesn't notice when I reach into my pants waistline and pull out my dagger.

"I came willingly to you so that you could see with your own eyes that you'll never win. You will never have me." I say.

I raise my arm, and just before I move I see the realization of my intentions in his eyes, but I don't care.

I plunge my dagger into my heart. I hear his screams of anger, and the sound of the door of the room bursting in as his Demons try to save me, but it's too late.

I smile and think of my friends, making my last memories ones of the happiest times in my life. I think of the memories full of love as I draw my last breath.

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