Chapter 7

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We made it. After what feels like forever we have finally made it. Thanks to Kayla's Precognition we had a little bit of a heads up to our destination, but still it was surprising that the Island Officials would send us the the States of all places.

I mean, anywhere that they might have sent us would be new and interesting, but the states have a weird reputation. I've heard that they're rude, too opinionated, and that they don't like outsiders but hopefully it's not all true because our boat just stopped on the shores of Connecticut.

As I look out and see a busy roads and Normal people I realize how serious this situation truly is. I can't do this to them. Their lives would never be normal again, if they even survive this trip.

The Demons could get them and kill them trying to get to me, or I could lose Control in a fit of anger or anxiety and kill them myself. They don't deserve this kind of life, always on the run fighting for their lives, they need to stay on the boat. Turn around and go back to the Island.

Addison turns to glare at me, "First of all, there is no freaking way that I'm staying on this horrible, puke inducing contraption; and second of all, you must be insane to think that we would leave you now when we've already travelled three days into this journey."

"Stay out of my mind! If you guys turn around now and go back to the Island it won't be too late. You can all stay safe."

"That's ridiculous, Mara. We would never leave you all alone, unprotected in a foreign land with a group of evil Transcendents trying to kidnap you! All five of us love you and we won't let you go through this alone. You have a rough journey ahead of you."

Kayla's calm voice is probably the only thing that let me keep Control in this moment, that and the fact that I could feel Quinn pushing peaceful feelings into my mind.

The mixture of excitement, terror, and nervousness was messing with my Control, and we're only in the very beginning of a very long journey. I didn't want to hurt any of my friends, but if I didn't have them with me to keep me calm then I might end up hurting innocent Normals.

Begrudgingly I had to admit that they're right, I could never do this alone.
Since we've been traveling for three days by boat it wasn't hard for all of us to agree to stop at a hotel for the night. As Addison payed for the room the rest of us brought our duffel bags in.

Landon parked the car after we got into the sterile smelling room and started inspecting the beds and discussing sleeping arrangements. Julian took my hand and pulled me into the hallway.

"Let's go for a walk" he said in a hushed tone

" Ummm... ok". What did he want? I wonder if this is going to be a pep talk about this adventure we are having to go through because of me. He's probable worried that I'll get everybody hurt, or worse.

Or maybe he would explain whatever it was that happened while on the boat. His face was blank, not hinting at all to what this was about. That made me even more nervous.

We went around the corner into the pool area. It was 12:30 so no one was in there and it gave me a calm sense of peace. It was always easy being with him. I suddenly realized how close we were , I could feel the heat coming off of his body.

His beautiful build, and graceful eyes. He seemed to be somewhere else though.

"What up?" my voice sounding like a mouse.

He finally looked at me and smiled softly.

"You are so beautiful" he whispered.

His hand came up to my face and stoked my cheek. I suddenly felt alive. This feeling was so comforting and natural.

"Thank- thank you" I stammered.

I couldn't help but close my eyes and lean on him. His arms wrapped around me and it felt so grounding. He tilted my head up with his forefinger. There was a hesitation and my breath caught in the back of my throat.

He leaned in and pulled my face gently towards his. We lightly pressed our lips together and I felt light headed. The kiss grew more passionate and he moved his hand to my lower back.

"Uh excuse me but the pool is closed."

Startled we broke apart but our hands found each other.
Julian murmured a sorry and we walked out leaving the manager behind us. As we walk back to the rest of the group I avoid my friends' eyes, all except Addison who smiles at me and then rolls her eyes.

Stay out of my head! I tell her knowing it's too late for that. Then I look over at Kayla who is smiling but avoiding my eyes. No! She must have Seen this happen. She knew before I even did! Ugh can this day be over yet?

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