Chapter 5

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^^The Dean

Since we are all seventeen the administrators couldn't put up too much of a fight when it came to all six of us going. If they can send one seventeen year old out into the world why not five more, right?

On the day that we were to set off we met with the Dean. It was the first time I had seen him since the incident. The usually muscled, intimidating man that I met with a week earlier was not the man standing before me today.

This man had his left arm in a sling, and with the other hand held a cane that helped him to walk. He looked shrunken, and sickly. I couldn't help but stop in my tracks and stare. I did this.

"It's okay, Mara. I know that it was an accident," he said.

And I was so thankful to look into his eyes and see that he was telling the truth. I don't know the Dean very well, but I walked up to him and gave him a long hug, grateful that he is still alive and willing to talk to me.

"Okay," he said snapping back into the reality of the moment. He cleared is throat and got down to business.

"You six are way too young to go through what you are about through. Once you leave the shores of the Island you won't be protected, and the Precognitives working for those out to get Mara may be able to see that.

They will try to find you, and you may need to fight them. We have discovered that since they have abused their Controls, it has taken a toll on their bodies and mind. They don't look or act human anymore.

Us administrators have begun to call them the Demons, not because they are from Hell or anything, but because the more abuse their minds, the more their bodies turn on them. These Demons used their abilities for evil acts, and as a result their bodies reacted by turning their hearts black, figuratively and anatomically.

They don't feel emotions, and all of the things that would normally mark them as human are gone. The Demons are covered in disease and hate, and they will not hesitate to harm or kill any of you in order to get to Mara."

The Dean pulls a box out from behind his desk. From inside the box he pulls out six daggers. Inscribed on the handle of each dagger is the symbol that represents each type of Control.

The first one handed out had an eye in the centre of the hilt, representing the Procogs, so Kalya stepped up and cautiously grabbed it.

Next up was Landon, the symbol for Telekinesis being two hands with a swirl in between them. Then there was Addison's, the intertwining, sharp lines that look almost like an infinity sign spanned across the entire top of the hilt of the dagger.

Quinn's came out next, with the unmistakeable mark of an Empath. The soft flower inside of the sharp, piercing sun sat in the same place as the seeing eye that Kayla had. Lastly in the box was Julian's dagger. The symbol of the Illusionists is just as confusing as their ability can be. It's three triangles that are made from one line with no breaks. Impossible and tricky to the eye, just like they are as people.

"What about Mara" Julian says as he accepts his dagger, "she's the one in the real danger, why doesn't she get a dagger?"

"She has a dagger, it's just not with the rest of yours. You see, since your Control is new a symbol hadn't yet been created for it. We were going to let you be a part of that decisions once you graduated, but because of the circumstances we had to do it ourselves.

The other daggers simply had to be inscribed, whereas yours had to be designed and debated since it was a symbol that will be used for the rest of the Transcendents existence."

He then pulled out a box big enough to fit only one dagger. On the hilt of the dagger, from one end to the other were two wings of fire, sharp and dangerous.

"As one of few people to have experienced this pain I can say that this symbol is rather accurate. You made my nerves burst into flames inside of my body, making me wish an angel would fly down and take me away from this life. It was awful, no offense, and because of this we created this for your symbol. It's Obliteration."

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