Chapter 4

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^^This is Kayla

The next time I wake up I'm able to open my eyes and move. I sit up and see all five of my friends completely asleep, squished into a small hospital room.

Kayla and Addison are sharing the small couch next to my bed, Quinn is in a very uncomfortable looking chair, and the boys are on the floor with pillows and blankets. The sight makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time.

Then I remember everything. I lost Control. Again. I'm not the type that typically cries a lot, but for the second time since the attack, I feel the tears run down my face. I can only hope that he is alive, but it's doubtful that the Dean's unhurt.

My emotional pain must have woken up Quinn, because before I even realized she stood up I see her practically translucent blueish white eyes and short white hair right in front of my face. She climbs her tiny, bird-like body onto my hospital bed and comforts me while I cry out my regret.

My cries must have been loud because soon my entire gang of friends are awake, waiting silently and somberly for me to finish. My loud cries diminish into a whimper, and eventually everything stops and we sit in silence.

At some point during my outburst Kayla had come over to the other side of my bed and laid her head on my shoulder. Her fiery red hair was still a mess from sleep, and as I calm down she turns to look at me with bright sapphire eyes. I am so lucky to have such caring friends in my life. 

"How is he?" I ask.

I don't know if I actually want to know.

"Alive," says Landon, "but the nerves in his left arm are completely fried."

"Landon! Be a little more sensitive, will you?"
Addison's always been a little bit of a mother figure to our friend group.

"It's alright, Addi, I need to know."

"There's something that we need to talk to you about, Mara." Says Quinn

"I have to leave the Island. Something about people who want to use me for my Control? That's what the Dean said anyways. I didn't catch all of what he said."

"You being on the Island is a danger to you and all of us on Campus, at least that's what we were told," explains Kayla "I think that they're just too scared of these people and are a bunch of chickens. They say that there's a safe house hidden within the Normals that they want to send you to. They wouldn't tell us where." 

"So, what? They're just going to throw me out on my own? I'm only seventeen and I've never been off the Island before! I have people chasing me, wanting me to use my power to control Normals, and I'm just being sent away? I'm not going to survive out there on my own."

"You're not going to be on your own, I'm going with you."

Julian again.

He's always been the quiet one of our group. I never would've thought he would be the first to volunteer to go with me, but as I look into his eyes, one bright like the hottest fire and the other a dark feet like a thunder cloud, I see the emotion displayed out within them.

I can't help but wonder what exactly that emotion is. Is it possible he has feelings for me? I quickly disregard that idea. Who would ever love a girl who causes pain to those around her whenever she loses Control.

Then Addison piped in, "Me too, I would never leave you to do this by yourself."

One by one my friends all volunteered to go with me, not listening to me say that they can't because it's too dangerous. Whenever I tried to deny them they quickly shut me up, refusing to let me go through this alone.

I don't deserve them. I cause pain and death, and yet when I'm with them I don't feel a loss of Control, I just feel an overwhelming happiness. I just hope it stays that way.

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