Chapter 14

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We drove until we found a secluded motel in Yancey County, North Carolina. During the drive we noticed that the bleeding on Kayla's stomach stopped after putting pressure on it for an hour. She was still weak but awake, which gave us the okay to keep driving until we reached Yancey County.

"I can't go with you" said Kayla once she was laying comfortably in bed at the motel.

"I'll just slow you down and you need to get to Shiva quickly. I can stay here."

"By yourself? No. what if the Demons come again? Or what if you start bleeding again? Not going to happen." says Landon.

"I'll stay with her," says Addison, "It makes the most sense. Quinn needs to stay with Mara in case she loses Control again, and the boys are the most help if you get into a fight on the way up there."

I don't like it and Addi can tell. It's too dangerous. Two girls, one injured and unable to walk, stuck in a secluded motel in a random town that they know nothing about. It doesn't feel right. But I don't see any other option.

"Fine. but if Kayla gets worse, or if anything happens, you take the car and get out of here. To a hospital, to the Island, I don't care. Just somewhere safe. Okay?

"Okay." says both Addison and Kayla.
"We'll leave tomorrow morning. But we need to rest and wash up from the attack first." I say.

I wait until everybody has showered and been bandaged up to even stop and take a look at my own wounds. I'm dreading it actually. The more the adrenaline fades from my body the more pain I feel. My leg is the main source of pain, but I can tell that I have a big cut on my head from the Demon trying to knock me unconscious.

"Okay...Kayla. Let me look at your stomach, put a better bandage on it."

"I already did that." Quinn says. "Go take care of yourself for once, Mara."

I don't know what to do. I can feel everybody looking at me but I feel numb. I can't move, I can't feel. Addison comes up to me and leads me into the bathroom. She's the only one who understands what's happening in my head at the moment.

She shuts the bathroom door and helps me get cleaned up. I can barely stand on my leg, and when I look down at it I see several deep, nasty scratches from the middle of my thigh down to my ankle, but it's so covered in blood and dirt that it's almost impossible to see how bad it really is. It's then that I snap back into reality, out of my exhausted haze.

"Holy crap, Mara! Why didn't you say anything? That must hurt like crazy."

"I didn't realize how bad it was until now. Ughh it does really hurt."

Addi helps me wash my hair and get off the dirt that covers me from head to toe. What did the receptionist think of six dirty, blood covered teenages renting a room in this creepy secluded hotel? Probably nothing good.

Addi goes to get the first aid supplies that we have as I walk out of the bathroom into the main room with everybody else. I sit on the edge on the bed with my leg up and wait for Addi to clean it. I'm just so tired I could sleep for years, but I know that I have clean up my leg, no matter how painful it will be.

Julian walks over to me, sits down and takes me into his arms. I lean into him, grateful for the comfort he offers. Addi comes over to me and starts to clean my leg.

"Sorry, Mara, but this is really going to hurt." she says right before she pours some sort of medicine with alcohol in it right on my entire, scraped up leg. She was right. I couldn't help the slight scream that came out of me as I turned to hide my pain filled face in Julian's neck.

The pain was so bad that I began to see a couple purple ribbons in the air, and I knew that I was about to lose control. My friends all winced in pain, but Quinn came over to me and pushed peaceful, calm emotions into me until the pain stopped enough for me to regain Control.

"I'm so sorry, guys. I didn't mean to hurt you...I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," says Quinn, "We know."

Addison adds in, "We love you, Mara. We know you wouldn't hurt us."

She finishes my leg by wrapping it up with gauze and tape. Julian holds me tighter and I know that it'll all be alright, we'll all be alright.

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