Chapter 15

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The next morning me, Quinn, Julian, and Landon set off up Mount Mitchell. Most sites we looked at for information said that the trip to the top of the mountain takes about 7.5-10 hours, but we packed enough water and food for two days just in case anything happens.

Leaving Kayla and Addison was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. It scare me to think about them stuck here all alone, without any protection besides their daggers. But it was necessary.
The trip could only be described as wet. The ground was like a constant stream, and it rained for hours. That made this trip especially hard for teenagers who've never hiked a day in their lives before.

It took us a lot longer than expected to get to the top. The site we checked said a 7-10 hours but what we didn't realize was that that was meant for experienced hikers.

We were definitely not experienced hikers. We were more like a bunch of dumb teenagers wandering through the woods.

Plus we were all sore from our battle with the Demons the day before. It took us about a full two days to reach the top of the mountain, and once we got there we didn't expect to see what we saw.

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