Chapter 2

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In total we sat in those classrooms, not speaking, not moving, for four hours. The battle took three and the Island Officials kept us there for an additional hour to make sure that the attackers completely left the Island.

Two days later I was called into the Dean's office.

"Have a seat Ms. Ashman", the Dean sat behind his desk as he said this, his muscled build deceiving and intimidating the mind, making you believe he should be an Officer not a high school dean.

As I get closer I notice the unwillingness on his face, almost as if he regrets something that he hasn't even done yet.

"Ms. Ashman as I'm sure you're aware the school was attacked two days ago"

"Yes, Sir. But I had no part in that I swear. Is that why I'm here? Do you think that I was a part of that because I promise I--" The Dean interrupted my nervous rambling.

"No Ms. Ashman I don't believe that you were a part of the attack. But I do know that you were the reason for it."

He says this and then simply puts up a hand to stop my oncoming argument.

"Not purposefully, but you did cause the school to be attacked. My apologies, let me explain this better. There are some things that myself and the leaders of this school haven't been telling you. There are people, Transcendents, who choose to live off the Island, and they have begun using their abilities to trick the Normals into doing their biddings. It sounds rather cliche but they have basically turned evil."

At this point of this meeting my head began to feel fuzzy. I felt unnaturally calm and I knew something wasn't right.

"Are you Controlling me?"

An administrator using his Control on a student goes against one of the most important rules we have. It's only ever done if somebody's in danger. This kind of accusation would get me in huge trouble if I was wrong, but I didn't think I was.

"You are an Empath right Sir? Just get to the point and stop playing with my emotions! What is this meeting all about?" 

"I apologize Ms. Ashman. I didn't know how you would react to this kind of news so yes, I was using my Control on you.

What I was trying to tell you is that these people have come after you. They heard about your Control. Obliteration is a completely new ability to have and it is rather dangerous.

These people attacked the school in an attempt to capture you. They want to use your ability to gain complete control of the Normals. During the battle their leader sent a message to me and told me that the attacks will continue, and eventually they will get to you."

I sort of wished that he hadn't stopped controlling my emotions at this moment. I felt as though I couldn't breathe. My throat felt like it was closing and the walls of the room were falling in on me.

I understood what he was saying. I couldn't stay at the school. I probably couldn't even stay on the island, or they would find me. By staying here I was putting everybody in danger.

I was losing Control. The Dean was still talking but I couldn't listen. I couldn't hear anything but this lous, sharp ringing in my ears. My Control was about to burst out of me and I couldn't stop it.

It was then that the Dean stopped talking. He noticed too late what was happening to me. He tried to use his Control to calm me but at this point it wasn't a voluntary, rather instinct from feeling overwhelmed, and the anger and anxiety were stronger than the calm he was pushing my way.

I was in fight or flight mode and almost nothing could stop me. I don't use my Control often, for obvious reasons, but when I do I envision it as a stream of purple shooting out of my mind onto the other person. This is what was happening to the Dean as he turned to look at me.

He bent over, grasping at his head as I made the nerves in his body flame up in pain, starting at his head and traveling throughout his whole body. The Dean started screaming in pain, and I huddled on the floor, tears streaming down my face as I'm unable to control my Control.

Luckily other administrators and teachers bursts through the door right then, answering the Dean's screams. The minute they opened the door I'm sure they too felt the horrible pain, but they had the collective strength to get the Dean out, leaving me on the floor, crying until I could finally gain my Control back.

The cloud of purple that I could see started to dissipate, and I regained Control. I had used up all of my strength, physically and mentally, and my vision became a cloud of black stars.

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