Chapter 6

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Receiving the daggers was the last step we had before we were to leave to find the safe house that the Island Officials had set up for us.

To leave the Island we had to travel by boat, as landing a giant plane on the Island shores would bring so much attention to our location that even the best of Illusionist would struggle to keep us hidden.

The boat ride was beautiful. It was the first time that any one of us had dared to leave the Island and it was the perfect mixture of excitement and terror.

For me the smell of the ocean and the rocking of the boat was the most peace I could ever expect to find on this horrible adventure, unfortunately it wasn't so peaceful for all six of us.

Addison got seasick just five hours into our three day long trip, and since Quinn was trying to comfort her with her Empathy, she felt exactly how queasy Addi was and in return threw up over the side of the boat.

It's hard to focus on the beauty of the ocean with two of my best friend throwing up the entire time.

It's this early on in our trip and I can already tell that it won't be an easy one. The journey is going to be an uphill battle, one where one wrong step will send us tumbling down into danger.

I'm standing at the front of the boat on the third day, feeling the wind against my face, when I feel a slight pressure on my lower back. I turn to see Julian beside me, his arm moves around my waist.

I lean into him, and feel for the first time in a long time, comfortable. But at the same time I am confused. What does this mean? He's never done this before..

"The captain said we're almost to the shore," he says. And then he walks away, leaving me confused and alone.

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