Chapter 20

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Kennedy's POV

I quietly bounced on the bed as Arlo starts licking my face happily while I tickle Gabby's nose making her sneeze.I smiled and gave her a peck on the forehead.

I layed beside her and hugged her back while Arlo snuggles by my side as my eyes drifted off to sleep.


I stirred from my sleep as I heard hush voices around me,I groaned and stretched my body as I sit from the bed and opened my eyes.

"小さな友達" Hayato exclaimed happily as he jumped on top of me.

"Eh?Chisana what?"

"Chïsana tomodachi,It means little buddy,Damn,I miss you a lot!" Hayato hugged tightly but got pulled back by Fernando.

"Get your hands off him."

"Okay,okay no need to be harsh."Hayato said defeatedly.

"What are you guys doing here?"

"Hayato missed you and the fact that he bought a lot of toys for your child." Kaname smiled

"Our child."Fernando scoffed.

"Is your arm now ok?" Hayato asked concerned.

"Yeah,I could move it perfectly fine now."

"I'm deeply sorry for I didn't protect you well,When you were in my care by the order of your husband himself." Hayato said sadly as I pat his shoulders.

"It's fine,I'm fine now Hayato."I assured.


"So this is your cafe huh ?"

"Yep,A small one but enough to have some customers."

"You have some great taste." Hayato said.

"Thank you."I smiled and walked to the kitchen and greeted Carlos as I grab some caffeine and a bunch of cups and walk back to Hayato who is now sitting beside Kaname.

"By the way,What happened to your face?"I asked Hayato who has a slight bruise on his eye as I stirred their coffee.

"Uh,Well I um.How do you say this?"He said awkwardly

"His new girlfriend punched him in the face when she saw him flirting with another girl." Kaname said straight forwardly.

"Damn you,Kaname." Hayato groaned.

I chuckled as they kept on throwing cursed words at each other.

I walked back to my office while I grab a bunch of papers and started signing each of it.


I ran fastly into the deep woods with my bruised body and bare feet,Not caring if it was gonna bruise,The important thing to do now was just to get away from the people after me.

'I have to run,I need to get back to Mama and Papa,I want my Papa and Mama.' I thought to myself.

I slowed down and leaned my body on the tree as I catch my breath.

"Search through the trees!"A voice boomed as.I scurried further to the dimmed shadows near the tree at the middle of the night.

Tears roll down my cheeks,I was scared,I dont want them to find me,I have to get back.I want to see my irmã and irmão,I have to see my family.I want to get back alive .

"He's not here boss!"the voice shouted as the footsteps got louder and louder but stopped.

"Search wisely,He probably hasn't gone far with that bruised body of his."A deep voice commanded angrily"He's worth a fortune and to add to the bargain,He is the youngest son of Lucio Wolfe,The treasured one.Im sure that he will be sold with the most highest bid of all."the voice chuckled deeply as I hold back my whimper and to stop my cries from getting louder,I step back as a sound broke by me stepping into a stick that is now broken.

"There,Go search there!" The voice commanded again as the footsteps became louder and louder again.

My breath hitched and I sprint again.

"There he is!" A voice shouted as my tears continued to escape from my eyes while I kept on running.

I did not care where I am running but I have to escape,I need to find an open road.

As I ran further ,I saw a beam of light.

I smiled widely knowing that I will be saved.

"Help!!!" My groggy voice shouted as my paced slowed down,I catched my breath and tried to scream again.

I looked back and saw few of the men running after me,My eyes grew wide and I ran again while they catch up to me.

"Help!" I shouted back got pulled back.

"Oh no,You don't"The man smiled.evilly as he covered my mouth and dragged me back.


My eyes bolted open and I sat up straightly.

As the sweat formed on my forehead as I catch my breath deeply.

"Kennedy,Are you ok?" A worried voice asked.

I looked over to the person who asked as I grab Fernando close to me as I hugged him tightly.

'Why now?'I asked myself.

"Seems like you have quiet a nightmare there,Mi amore."Fernando smiled as He carresed my hair and hugged me back tightly while he gave me a peck on the forehead.

'That wasn't a nightmare...'I thought to myself.



Yeeey!Chapter 20 is out ,By the way guys I would just love to thank all of you for your votes for it has reach 500+ votes,Please continue on supporting the book and Thankies for all the support you gave too.

I just want to do a shoutout to the readers who inspired me to keep on going with the story ,

Chandra-Esmeralda Miss_Weird25
@wolfgirlhere @lewiszaria.

Thank you a lot for the support and the votes you gave to this book.

I will keep on updating for you guys and to my other readers ...

Thanks a lot again for the votes and support you gave to this book guys...

So Vote,Follow and Comment.

PS. WE'RE ON RANK#512 on Romance!


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