Chapter 18

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Kennedy's POV

"You're worse than a stalker ,Weirdo! " I laughed out for I have known that He was the one who has been kissing me and putting me on bed back from the mansion.

"So you've adopted her when Clarissa called that I didn't came to her birthday?" I asked as Fernando nods.

"Okay. " I smiled as I caressed Gabby's hair. "So she's a Jimenez ?"

"Yes. "

"And you've grown close to each other already? " I scoffed.

"Yes. "

"See told you ,That you'd get along with her. " I smiled


"Is that all you can say? " I asked happily irritated.

"Yes. "

"How old are you, again? " I changed the subject.

"Yes. "

"Fucker, You weren't listening! " I shouted as I throw the plastic vase on him while he dodges.

"I zoned out, So I've been thinking. " he drags out not even  bothering to say sorry.

"What? "

"So, Since we have a 'child' now,I want to work things out with you and be a good husband? " he says as he scratched the back of his head.

"Oi, Bastard are you being shy just now? "

"Are you gonna answer my question or not?"

"As long as you're good,We'll work things out. " I smiled.

"I want you to have a date with me tomorrow. " he command.

"Is that how you ask your date out? " I scoffed.

"Yes or no? "

"Fine, Yes. " I groaned chuckling as I looked at a sleeping Gabby.


"Did you seriously brought all of this for her? " I chuckled as I looked at the stuff toy covered room.

"Well she said that she likes it so I bought it for her. " he shrugged.

"Don't spoil her too much she'll get used to it. " I said while Fernando placed a sleeping Gabby on the bed.

"For a month that I was asleep,a lot has happened already. " I chuckled.

"I will be going to bed early." I yawned as I walk to the direction of my room while Fernando follows as I plopped down the bed.

"You're not sleeping on the couch? "

"Nah, If I do you'd still transfer me and do weird things to me again,Like kissing me" I shrugged while chuckling as my tired eyes drifted off to sleep.


"Lord Kwennedy,Wake up!Wake up!Wake up!" a cute little voice shouted while I groan as I slowly adjust my eyes to open widely.

"What is it,Princess Gabby?" I smiled

"Get up,get up!Lord Fwernando said ,That he take us to a theme park!" Grabby shouted happily.

"Early on the morning?" I groaned on the pillow.

"Can we go please!" Grabby said with a cute pleading face.

"Okay,Okay." I laughed as I rose up from the bed and ruffled Gabby's hair then walked to the bathroom.

I passed the mirror but stopped to look at myself.

What I saw on the mirror was a different me.

Disheveled hair,Dark eye bags,Pale skin,Dry lips and a casted arm.

'I look like a walking dead character.'I chuckled.


I walked slowly as I silently look at Gabby,Fernando and Arlo happily playing with each other while I smile.

"I really didn't know that a mafia boss like him can be soft to a little girl like Gabby." Louise chuckled by my side.

"He just hides it pretty well I guess." He added.

"Guess he does." I stopped while I walk directly to the bench and sat down.

"By the way,How was work,Have any problems happened lately?"I asked worried.

"Well,There was one actually.We almost got robbed but thanks to the cop that was off duty,No harm was done and the café is safe."

"Was there any damage done?"

"There'sbno damage done but the fact that I just broke another 3 plates." Louise chuckled.

"You really should be careful next time,I'm saying this to you not as a friend but being your boss." I chuckled.

"Speaking of boss,Your mafia boss is coming this way."He chuckled again.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Do you want to eat ice cream?" He asks while I shook.

"Nah,My teeth hurts when I eat ice cream."

"Isn'tthis our date?You should be there having fun with us too." He smiled as I smiled back.

"Its fine,You should play with Gabby for a little while so you and her can get to know each other more."I smiled.

"Okay"he stands up not before planting a kiss on my lips as he left me sitting flabbergasted.



So I know it took me a long time to update because I can't stop reading something and I feel like this Chapter is nothing but nonsense because I can't think of anything good for awhile,I feel like my imagination turned off.

But the important thing is I updated Chapter 18 and It is out now and I'm deeply sorry for leaving you guys always on a cliffhanger because What is a story without a Cliffhanger??????

Anyways Picture from above is Gabby Wolfe-Jimenez.I don't know the real  girl on the pic but if any of you recognize her well You recognize her ,Good luck

And school will be starting soon means that I will be updating slowly ,I hope you understand

('    '<')

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