Chapter 4

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Kennedy's POV

Okay, I really would love to say this ...

Lunch with HIM is so AWKWARD.

We sat there both facing each other in uncomfortable silence while Me and him eat each other lunches while Arlo was down the table eating his food comfortably and without a care in the world.

"I want to know what is your schedule for this week." He says out of the blue as he breaks the tension around us.


"I need to know so I will send out the guards with you anywhere you go." He says as he takes the last bite of his chicken alfredo.

"You dont have to do that, I will be safe with or without bodyguards,I can take care of myself." I say honestly.

"It'll be different now... Since rumors on the mafia world can spread faster  like a scattered marble hitting a tiled ground, as the rumors will become known that You are my Donna ,They would target you first before they come to me,I will have a weakness on my own soon enough." He says sternly as I look at him amazed .

"And what will be that soon to be weakness?" I smirked as I lean in closer.


"You're joking,right?" I scoff

"Im not"

"And why in the World's Most Wanted Mafia can be a weakness of me." I smirked

"You'd know soon enough" He says as He sips his full wine glass and I look at him irritated.

"I hate the fact that people will leave me in suspense" I slouch back from my chair while he looks at me with a cocky smile and I gulped as sweat starts to form on my forehead again.

"Are you nervous or scared or just amazed?" He ask while smirking.

"I dont know,Why not ask yourself" I said irritated while I wipe my forehead with the clean tissue from the table.

"I have a meeting later at 3-"

"Yeah yeah,I know" I cut him off.

"My father wants you to be there with me." he glared

"What are you glaring at?"

"You should have let me finish my sentence."

"Pfft,Like you didnt finish a life?" I smirked as He's face darkens.

While he storms his way to me and grabbed my collar,Ready to punch me.

"Even Im gonna be your husband or partner, I guess abusing is on the way of my living life until I die" I retorted as He's face returned to Its normal expression.


"Never ever talk to me that way!" he exclaimed.

"I just did,Retardar." I said then held Arlo up the floor while he whines I then left the private room as I walk out of the restaurant and called for a taxi.

As I wait for a hood 3 minutes,I got a taxi to stop ,I smiled but as I opened the door,Someone stopped me .

"Im taking you home,Let us go" He says as he grabs my hand and dragged me all the way tohis car as I saw the taxi left.

He opened the var door for me as he push me inside.

'Now you become a gentleman' I said inside my mind.


As he start to drove ,I noticed that he was going to the wrong way.

"Hey,Where the fuck are you taking me? You're going the wrong way ." I said irritated.

"We're going to the meeting first then I take you home."

"But I want to go home." I whined

"After the meeting." He says bluntly.







"Devilishly Handsome" I blurted out then he laughs out as we laugh,I cant help but notice how sexy it was.

"Angelic Voice" He retorted back and we just kept laughing and laughing and laughing while we throw each other either insults or compliments until we got to a building.

He's laughing stopped and his smile dissapeared as It came back to its own expression.

He opened his door and got out of the car as I do the same.

"So,Is this the place?" I asked awkwardly.

"Yeah,Let's go ," he nods as he starts to walk to the main door then I follow him.


When we got into an office,Fernando opened the door for us and we both got in as I saw my Mama,Papa,Brother and Sister with Gustavo and another man older than all of us.

"Graças a Deus, vocês vieram. Por que Arlo está aqui?" My Papa said in relief and confusion.

trans:Thank God,The two of you came, Why is Arlo here?

"We brought him with us to lunch." I answered while me and Fernando grabbed our sits and sat down while I put Arlo on the table.

"What's this meeting about?"

"It's about you two."

"About the wedding,You're going to call it off?!" I exclaimed happily while I saw Fernando out of the corner of my eye clench his Jaw and hand.

"What?Dios Mio.No!We're not going to call the wedding off." My papa exclaimed as the happiness going through my vein dissapeared.

"Then what is this about?" I gritted out

"You two will be living together starting next week." My papa said as I choked on my own saliva.

"Are you kidding me?" I laughed out."Because this is seriously is working on me " I continuely laughing while the other people in the room just have blank faces and furrowed eyebrows.

"Filho,Why are you saying such things?" My mama flicked my head.

"I am not saying such things Mama all of you are, First wedding? And now Living together? And what next? Having a baby? " I laughed out

"Dont you ever think of me, I have a business of my own mama, I have a café to take care and a dog ,What do you want me to do,Forget about it? And live with a criminal?!I was fine with the whole wedding thing because I thought that we would just be wedded for an asset or for an ally because I understand how business go Mama but living together? I have a life too Mama and you just cant control it!"I exclaimed angrily and grabbed Arlo from the table and left the Building fuming angrily.

'I think,I need space.' I sighed and called off for a taxi.



BTW Thank you for the vote guys and I'll update soon enough so you guys wont get tired reading this

= ̄ω ̄=

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