Chapter 6

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Kennedy's POV

"How the fuck did you got in?!" I exclaimed as I neared him.

"No greetings at all?" He chuckles and I crossed my arms in front of him and frown but that frown disappeared as soon as I heard a bark.

"Arlo!" I kneeled down and held him up of the floor and kiss him anywhere I can." I miss you little buddy."

"So Im assuming that you only miss him and not your family."

"Ofcourse,I miss my family.Wait did you just changed the subject?"

"Indeed I did" he chuckled .

"I need you to answer my questions... All of them." I grit while he smirks.

"Ask away."

"How did you find me? How the fuck did you got Arlo from Louise ? And Who sent you?" I poppe out.

"Through CCTV ,I got someone to look for you, What car you used and what streets you used and that led us to the Airport, Hacked into the main system of their camera's and found you after 2 days before you left but we didnt know which location were you're at, So I hired somebody here to find you.And afterwards found you.I got Arlo from your employee when I cme to look for you there. When I ask where were you ,They didnt respond then I saw Arlo and brought him with me-"

"And they didnt stopped you?" I cut him off.

"They did but I threatened them "

"Seriously?" I face palmed

"And lastly ,Nobody sent me but myself, Your family didnt insist on finding you so I did" He explains casually as my anger boiled up.

"Because they know that I need some space and you just fuckin' ruin it!" I exclaimed while I catch my breath.

"We're going to be married in a week, My grandfather re-arranged it."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No,Im not kidding with you" he says sternly.

"This is insane!"

"As long as Im here,You're coming back home with me ,With or without your permission." He says as He holted me up and put me on his shoulders.

"I still dont want to go home" I shouted while I punch his back.

"You have to do better than that.Diablo Let's go!" He commanded as I see Arlo running with his side.

"You named my Dog,Diablo?!" I exclaimed

(A/N: Diablo stands for Devil if you dont know)

"Yes." He says and puts me inside the car and hand cuff me with his right arm.

"How are you gonna drive with ONE ARM?!" I popped.

"I can drive."

"That's not the answer Im expecting" I groaned.

"We have to get going, I got all your belongings on the other car with the guards." He says as He drove off while Arlo climbs up my lap.

I sigh.

"Can I at least borrow your phone?" I groaned again then he hands me his phone and I dialed Clarissa's number.

"Who are you calling?"

"None of your business" I gritted.

Clarissa?- Kennedy

Kennedy? Is this you?- Clarissa

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