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Chapter 19: The Red Coats are Coming

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Chapter 19: The Red Coats are Coming

Bella looked around the open space in the woods, the vampires and werewolves that all gathered bravely to be their witnesses and attest to their daughter humanity that she wasn't an immortal. "Where is she?" Edward murmurs as he stands beside his wife, a hand rested on her hip as his golden eyes looked around for her.

"What do you mean? Renesmee is with Seth."

Edward looked back for the caramel brown werewolf, not finding him or Renesmee. "Seth isn't even here. Neither is Jacob or Amaya."

Bella's bright eyes widened considerably, finally coming to the realization of what was happening and before she could explain to her husband what had happened, the Volturi arrived dressed in all red. 

"What have we here?" Aro speaks first, taking in the people across of him and his people, but none of the vampires that stood on the Cullen's side resembled a child and judging by the looks on their faces something had gone terribly wrong. "Where is the child?"

The Cullen's shared looks, none of them but Bella knowing what was truly happening but even she wasn't sure what was happening. Amaya wasn't supposed to tell Jacob or Seth and Renesmee wasn't supposed to leave until after the Volturi heard their piece. "I—she."

Ciaus sneered at them, his words spitting out like the venom that was in his teeth. "They've lied to us, brother. There is no child, they must've gathered together like some sort of boycott. Or perhaps they did have an immortal child and killed it before we could."

Aro clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, frowning in mock disappointment but secretly he was proud. No one dared testing the Volturi, now there they stood with defensive stances as they prepared themselves to fight a fight they were trying to avoid. "That won't do. Alice," He whispered whimsically as he beckoned the woman whose power fascinated him greatly. "Come forward."

She took her time walking across the snow, Jasper following beside her without question. Their hands were linked together until they weren't, Jasper being roughly grabbed up by Felix and Demitri, Alice too being held by two other guards.

The leader of the Volturi rested his hands on Alice's own, seeing every memory she'd ever had, including the ones of the child. "Where is the child now?"

"I don't know."

Caius stepped forward, taking his brother's place and roughly grabbing the woman by her chin his fingers so tight on her glass-like skin that the distinctive strain could be heard. "Where is it?"

Let her go!" Carlisle yelled in fury before setting off and running towards his adoptive daughter but before he could free her from strong arms, Aro jumped forward and collided with Carlisle, a sickening burst sounding. When Aro landed, he lifted his hand, showing off the severed head of the Cullen leader, his eyes lagging and distant as they set his body on fire, the only remains of the man being the sickly sweet smell of his body burning.

Esme froze, her hands coming up to cover a gut wrenching scream that came from her mouth. Without further thought, the others ran forward, the fight starting. Bodies collided with one another, vampires taking the first wave, Sam and his pack following seconds after. Sharp teeth bit into vampire skin, their limbs flying all over the place.

On both sides deaths were great, but the Volturi were quickly gaining the upper hand, Alec using his powers to disassemble the powers of Benjamin and Kate at the same time. Bella tried her hardest to keep her shield up to save the others but it took much focus that she wasn't gifted as other vampires came up and fought her, ruining her concentration.

The Cullen's were losing, and while the werewolves were fighting hard, it came to a point where Sam howled loudly, using their telepathy to tell his pack to fall back not because he didn't care for the Cullen's but because he cared for his pack more. Quickly, they ran away, leaving the Volturi to do what they came to do and they succeeded in killing every Cullen they laid their hands on except one. "Young Bella," Aro ran a hand over her cheek, the brunette vampire looking around at her family and friends that came to testify that laid dead in the snow, their bodies scattered because of her. "Such a prize."

"Burn in hell."

Aro raised a hand to her, his marble skin colliding with her cheek with a resounding smack. "I'm going to offer you a position on my guard and if you take it then I will let you live but if you deny me then you will die just like the rest of your friends."

Bella glared up at him, her hands shaking in Felix's hands, him having already killing the others. "I will never follow you. I refuse to be one of your brainwashed puppets."

"Suit yourself," Aro pouted at her choice but didn't push her further. "Felix, do the honors, will you?"

The strongest member of the guard smiled devilishly, his hands tightening on Bella's wrists and tugging until they disappeared from her body with a shout that was silenced just as fast as her head lolled against the snow covered ground.

"Such a shame," The Volturi looked over at their work in content. "—I was hoping for something more exciting. Burn the bodies, I want to go home."

Jane smiled at the calamity, her and her brother sharing a sinister smile. This wasn't the first clan they'd destroyed and it definitely wouldn't be their last. "It never gets old."

Ha. Betcha didn't see that one coming. 😉

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