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Chapter 4: Men In Black

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Chapter 4: Men In Black

Jackson truly was handsome and it showed when he stepped foot in the Cullen's backyard, Amaya connected to his arm. They looked gorgeous together, the light in the blonde girls eyes something that the Cullen's didn't miss.

Rosalie and Emmett were first to step towards them. "Amaya," Rose greeted with a smile, things were tense when she left but after her return, she'd nearly forgotten her hatred for them. "Who's this?"

"I'm Jackson," He outstretched a hand for the two of them, his shake firm. "I'm this losers date."

Amaya rolled her eyes at him, a small smile still plastered on her face. "Here," She handed over a wrapped gift, while she wasn't a fan of Bella, she wasn't going to ruin her wedding. "It's for Bella but I figured you guys would know where the gift table was."

"I'll take it, have a nice time."

Jackson and Amaya walked past rows, the blonde giving small commentary about the people around them. "That's Mike, he's creepy so avoid him. That girl, her names Jessica, total poser, if she flirts with you don't waste your time or no one will ever hear the end of it."

"Good to know," He looked around, his head tilting to his right. "And them?"

"That's Esme and Carlisle," Amaya looked towards them in sadness, she missed them more than she cared to admit. "They were like parents to me."


Amaya ignored the question, giving him a gently nudge in the direction of where they'd be sitting. "A conversation for another time, yeah?"

Everyone quieted down, standing as the music started playing. Bella came forward her hand on her fathers arm. She looked terrified, her only being able to calm down when she locked eyes with her husband-to-be. A serine like peace washing over her small features as her father gave her away with a kiss.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union of Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen. Please repeat after me," The pastor requested, his glasses on the bridge of his nose. "I, Edward Cullen—"

"I, Edward Cullen take you Bella Swan to have and to hold."

Bella went next, the small smile being shown of her face as she spoke. "For better or for worse."

"For rich or for poor."

"In sickness and in health."

Edward continued, his voice thick with emotion. "To love."

"To cherish as long as we both shall live," The slight change in vows made some smirk in the crowd, only few knowing that soon, all they would be is alive.

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