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Chapter 9: Game Changer

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Chapter 9: Game Changer

"You and Jackson need to stay here with Emily until this whole thing is over."

"Where's Leah?"

Sam's jaw clenched tightly, his hands coiling into fists at his side. "Her and Seth left the pack, they're with Jacob."

Amaya let out a deep breath, her hands shakily running through her hair as she willed herself to calm down. "Are you guys bringing them back?"

The rest of the pack were at the wood line, their shirts already off and ready to go. "Not exactly."

"What are you doing then?"

It was dark out, the only sounds being the crickets and chirps of the birds and owls. "We're protecting our land."

"You guys can't go over there, you'll break the treaty."

"There is no treaty, not anymore." Sam turned to walk away, only making it a few feet before Amaya ran after him to match his strides. "No, Amaya for once I need you to just listen to me and stay with Emily."

"I can't, you guys are making a mission to get rid of the b—whatever it is and I'm all for it but I know that Jacob would lay down his life for Bella and seeing as my life is tied to his, I'm going just to make sure that mine is taken away suddenly."

Sam thought it over, looking to the guys before finally nodding at her in acceptance. "Fine, but you have to stay back, we're going to confront them first, get them to reconsider."

Amaya nodded obediently, jumping on Paul's back when she reached the other wolves, her fingers holding onto his fur so they could run through the woods without her falling.

It didn't take long for them to get there, their large wolf bodies jumping over the small water divide that separated the reservation from the Cullen's land. Amaya slowly climbed off Paul's back, Quil and Embry following close behind her but Paul and the others stayed back to make sure no one left the house.

Jacob stood at the bottom of a hill in his human form, Leah and Seth standing behind him like loyal followers. "I just want to talk," He called out not being able to see them yet. "It'd be easier if I could hear you too."

The harsh putter-patter of paws on dirt was heart before they shifted and get dressed quickly. Paul stood in front, spitting out the dirt from his mouth. "This isn't even your territory anymore." He informed Jacob, someone he used to consider a brother, but everything was different now. "How's that new family working out for you?"

"You done?"

Quil and Embry stepped forward, Amaya standing in between them and it was then that Jacob Black's hard expression changed at the sight of her cold eyes looking at him with disappointment. "You coming home, Jake?" Quil questioned, looking down at the kid he'd grown up with, but all respect was lost when he chose their mortal enemy over family.

"Not until I finish this."

Amaya looked around in confusion, the Cullen's weren't stupid enough to let Jacob run off with two other wolves, that would be their main source of muscle as the vampires would keep Bella safe. "What do you mean?"

"I want Sam to take back Leah and Seth."

"What?" Leah screeched, her jerky movements desperate as she tried to run up the hill next to him, her little brother following close behind her.

"Be quiet," Jacob snapped at them, using the alpha authority that forced their mouths shut. "I want them safe and I want this over."

Amaya leaned into Paul, trying to keep her voice quiet but she knew Jacob would hear her anyway. "Something's not right, this doesn't feel like a move that someone who just left everything would make. He should be fighting us, not making deals."

"I need Sam to wait until Bella's been separated from the problem," Jacob continued, his stance strong as the newfound power bestowed upon him was flowing through his veins, the years of suppression under Sam's title finally breaking free and now he could breathe.

"You mean until she's dead?"

Embry looked to his side, him being the only one who wasn't giving his best friend the death glare. "Ease up, Paul."

"What do you want?"

"Tell Sam that when the moment comes, I'll be the one to destroy it." Seth's voice of protest came from behind but it was ignored by his alpha. Jake's eyes stayed focused on Paul, a sadistic little smile forming on the older werewolf's face. "I'm the only one who can. They trust me."

Loud howls split through the air, Sam's followers slowly coming to the realization as to what had happened and while Jacob couldn't hear what they were thinking, he was positive that whoever was on patrol was filling them in on the dirty little trick he'd used to distract them so the Cullen's could have time to feed.

"You played us," Paul snarled, turning his back and walking away the others following except for Amaya.

She stood there at the edge of the rock looking down at Jacob then at Leah. "Come with us," Leah pleads, her perfectly plucked brows furrowed.

"How could you leave the pack, Leah? You just found your imprint."

"Exactly, no one else likes me there, they stare at me like I'm a ticking time bomb. I'm treated like a freak just because I couldn't get over Sam and Emily."

"You can't play that card forever and especially not now. I can't let you hurt Jackson just because you can't take a little harmless teasing."

"It's not harmless, Maya. But I can treat my imprint so much better now without my past hovering over my shoulder. This is my clean break."

Amaya couldn't help the tears falling from her eyes, she knew that some of the words Leah were saying was completely true, but she couldn't look past the fact that this situation would cause a permanent strain on their relationship. "This better be exactly when you want because they will never let you come back, Leah."

"Amaya, I'm so sorry but I have to do this."

"I should've expected you to be like them, turning your back on family but I guess I just put too much of my faith in you."

Leah had tears welling up in her own eyes. "No, it's not like that."

"Amaya!" Paul's angry voice yelled, her petite frame jumping at the unexpected break of the silence. "Let's go."

And no matter how shitty it felt leaving Leah there, she knew she would've felt worse switching sides and protecting the Cullen's when that was the last thing they'd ever done for her. "Bye."

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