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Chapter 3: Newest Addition

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Chapter 3: Newest Addition

It was a terrible idea, but this was the new her, fully loaded with bad ideas. "What the hell do you mean he's coming to Forks? Amaya, you know if Jake comes back and see's him, that man is dead," Leah yelled at her, chasing the blonde up the stairs of her overly large home for one occupant.

"Listen, Leah," Maya began, her blue eyes rolling and it was clear she was holding back a boatload of attitude. "I'm not really sure how many more times I'm going to have to repeat this, but I'm not necessarily worried about Jacob and his feelings. Besides, the imprint means that I can have him be whatever I need him to be, maybe all I want him as is a friend meaning I am allowed to have other partners."

Leah growled in rage but it wasn't fueled because of her friend, she was just jealous. Amaya had all she'd ever wanted and then some, an imprint and a getaway boy if things went wrong. Amaya could jump and leave if she so pleased, Leah didn't have that luxury, she was cursed to stay in La Push as long as she could shift. Watching Sam and Emily on a daily tested her patience to the max and her sudden outburst was blamed solely on her jealously. "I'm sorry, okay, I guess I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that you have an imprint and you're choosing not to be romantically involved with him."

"I didn't chose it, Leah," Amaya reminded, her blonde hair being put into a messy bun, tons of flyways framing her face as she slid on a pair of sunglasses. "Jacob didn't want me and I'm letting him chose his path, while I'm choosing mine as well."

There was a brief silence between the both of them before Leah Clearwater finally sighed in defeat. "Will I at least be able to meet this guy?"

A bright smile spread across Amaya's face at the mere thought of her best friend slash booty call. "Of course, you won't believe it Leah, he's literally amazing."

"Do you like him?"

"Not the way you think, we just mess around occasionally. He's mostly just a friend."

Leah hummed at her, brown eyes untrusting. "Paul said the same thing to us when you two first started hanging out. It's never just friends, Maya."

"Actually, it is sometimes just friends." She countered, the brunette following her outside into Amaya's car, the two taking a day to themselves to go into Port Angeles and get some new clothes for the changing season. "Speaking of just friends, I'm seriously expanding your closet, Leah, the cutoffs and tank tops are giving me a migraine."

"I can't help it," She retorts, her shortly cut hair blowing in the wind as Amaya's windows were half open, but she didn't mind, it felt good. "They all tear off when I phase anyway, I rather not waste your money."

Amaya shrugged, her shades effectively blocking the bright sun from getting in her eyes. "Not my money, it's my dad and I'm choosing to spend it on you."

A perfectly arched brow raised up at the blonde. "I thought you were new and improved, decked out with the latest selfish edition. That didn't sound very selfish to me."

"Selfish doesn't apply to family."

Leah looked at the side of the blondes face, a small smile spreading across her own even though she didn't say anything back, her usually cold heart swelled up at the sound of Amaya calling her family. She liked having normal people as family, someone who wasn't afraid to speak their mind or fuck up, Leah loved that she could tell her deepest darkest and twisted of thoughts to Amaya without judgement. "You haven't said the family thing to anyone since the—"

"I know," Amaya cut her off. "I'm only saying it because it feels right to me, I feel at ease with you and the pack. I never felt that with the Cullen's, that surreal peace."

"Doesn't surprise me. Bloodsuckers aren't exactly the most relaxing things to be around."

Loud laughs came from all around the car, the easy mood being set as they drove to Port Angeles, the car slowing to a halt before the duo got out and began their walk around the other part of the town they didn't usually go to.

Amaya stool true to her word, spoiling the older Clearwater with whatever she wanted because that was what she felt like doing. "So, are you going to the wedding?"

"I have no choice, my mom is making us, a show of support or whatever."

"I'd wallow with you, but I have a date so I have to seem somewhat appealing and not a total ass."

"Date," Leah repeated, remembering the guy that had weaseled their way in her best friends life. "I forgot about him, what's his name again?"

"Jackson, he's flying in tonight so I have to pick him up after I drop you off."

Leah held all of her bags on both arms, and while she tried to hide it, she really was having a blast shopping. "Thank you," She spoke, her brown eyes holding gratefulness and appreciation. "Really, you didn't have to do this for me."

"Stop it," Amaya demands, giving her friend a one armed hug. "Let's head back, you'll need to put them away and do your patrol before Sam loses his mind."

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