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Chapter 6: Gates of Hell

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Chapter 6: Gates of Hell

"You did what?" Jacob burst out, the anger he felt radiating through the phone. "How could you be so reckless?"

Amaya responded eerily calm. "You want to talk to me about reckless? Let's not forget you're the one who threatened to purposefully get yourself killed just because the girl you loved was engaged."

"This is completely different, Amaya. You could've risked the life of our entire pack, the whole tribe. This is a secret that should've stayed within the people who needed to know."

"I'm allowed to know, Jacob. I'm an imprint and so is Jackson. I didn't do anything wrong."

"You couldn't have known that he would've been an imprint. How could you even have made a mistake like that anyway?"

Amaya shrugged even though she knew he wouldn't be able to see it through the phone. "He's not stupid, he'd talk to me about little things and he'd pick up on some of the terminology and sometimes when Leah would call and rant about the pack he'd be close enough to hear. He asked me about it one day and I didn't see a point in lying, I trust him and clearly it paid off because he can handle it and Leah won't have to worry about him being too scared to handle what she is."

A strangled growl was heard before he calmed himself down. "You can't just do that, she should've told him herself."

"Like you told me?"

"How long are you going to hold this over my head? If I could take it back, I would."

Amaya didn't know why it hurt, she knew this by now but the hostility and honesty in his voice made her flinch. "Don't worry, Jacob, from now on you and I are just friends. Or at least until I can find a way to undo it myself."

"Billy said there isn't a way, I already asked."

Her car engine revved with the simple turn of the key. "There's always a way, limits can be broken when pushed and I'm going to do just that."

She ended the phone call without so much as another word and did exactly what she said she'd do. Amaya sped off to the first place her mind could think of and that was the Cullen's house.

No matter how much she hated the others, she needed something more than she needed to milk her ego. "Maya," Esme greeted with a gentle smile, her hair was darker than before and so were her eyes—they hadn't fed in a while. "It's been so long."

"Is Carlisle home?"

Esme frowned at her cold tone, the conversation quick and abrupt reminding her that this arrival was just the means to an end. "He's in his office, I'm sure you remember where it is."

The blonde side-stepped her, she was still slightly damp and it was very obvious she'd just come from the rez not because of the wolf stench but because of the overwhelming scent of saltwater. "What a surprise seeing your face around here, Squirt."

"Emmett," She curtly nodded giving the group a double take when she saw a familiar head full of brown hair. "What the holy hell happened to you."

"I've actually been meaning to call you, I just haven't worked up the nerve to do so."


Rosalie sat beside Bella closet than Amaya had ever seen since the teenager had come to Forks, it was unsettling and the first sign that something was going on. With hesitant movements and lots of help, Rosalie helped Bella to her feet and instead of the usually pale, skinny girl standing before her, Bella was a sickly skeleton of a girl with a belly larger than a watermelon. "I'm pregnant."

Amaya's blue eyes were bugged wide, a hand coming up to cover her jaw dropped mouth. "I regret everything."

"Excuse me?" Confusion spread across the room like a plague but was quickly explained by the girl.

"I wished every bad thing on you since the last time I can remember, but this, if this is what I knew would come from all of that I wouldn't have even formed my lips to speak your name."

Bella looked down with sudden sadness and even embarrassment. "It's just a baby."

"That thing is Edwards?"


"Then it's no baby, it's a flight risk, one that'll kill you before you could even get the opportunity to ask for an epidural."

From the corner of her eye, Amaya saw Edward flinch his own face grim as he looked at the woman he loved with anger and sadness. He was blaming himself, something he always did and before Amaya would've helped him, soothed his conscience like a good friend—a sister even but that wasn't her job anymore. "He doesn't mean it," Bella defended her little monster, a hand so thin it could've just been bone rubbing against her bruised belly. "He can't help it."

"This is one time I'm happy I can say that this is not my problem, because none of you were the reason I came here today. Is Carlisle still upstairs?"

Alice nodded first, the pixie like vampire staring at Amaya longingly but she ignored them all and went upstairs to find the doctor. "Amaya," He greeted and even he looked exhausted. "What can I help you with?"

"I need you to tell me everything you can on how to reject an imprint."

He seemed greatly taken aback, his hands coming together before him. "Why would you need to know that?"

"Why else? It's pretty self-explanatory."

"The process is dangerous, Amaya, you could die."

She held her head high. "That isn't your problem. Now are you going to help me or am I going to have to scour this whole office until I find the book on it myself?"

Knowing that she very well would do it, Carlisle unlocked his desk draw and pulled out a small journal and hesitantly handed it to the petite female. "I hope you know what you're doing."

Amaya let out a laugh. "I should be saying to you seeing as it's clear that you're going to be the one handling the issue downstairs," She turned on the balls of her feet walking past the Cullen's and to the door without looking their way. "Good luck."

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